* cleanup bad chars from tags in harvester
* cleanup bad chars from tags in harvester - do safer config read
* use munge_tag to clear tags, code cleanup
* restored default tag truncate
* tests for clean tags
* removed hack for IHarvester.info()
* #188 cleanup
* #188#190 Add doc about harvester JSON config
* clean tags tests updated #188
* #188 test fixes
* #188 test fixes
* #188 test fixes
* #188 test fixes
* removed unused/bad code after review #188
Two extension points: ``get_package_dict`` and ``transform_to_iso``,
with the same expected behaviour as the old hooks meant to be overriden.
For ``get_package_dict`` we now pass, apart from the generated
package_dict, the parsed iso_values and the harvest object.
Updated docs and added autodocs.
Completely revised and restructured docs to be built with Sphinx.
Structured in logic areas, with a big cleanup and nice formatting.
Revised install instructions.
Added the okfn-sphinx-theme submodule to have a consistent look and feel
with the core CKAN docs, although core docs are using an older revision.