The common map function has been extended to allow configuring different
options for the base layer. There are default presets for MapQuest and
MapBox, but any XYZ layer can be added configuration options. The
options are passed to the templates via a helper function and to the js
modules via data-module attributes. Full docs included.
Based on the work by @kindly on,
adds a command to the extension that allows to export easily the spatial
datasets to pycsw. This will only work for harvested ISO datasets for the time
The command can be run both via paster (in the context of a CKAN install) or
independently (eg a separate server), as it uses the API to get the datasets.
TODO docs
All the 'self' on the 'showError' function should be 'this', otherwise you
will refer to the window. Also 'this.i18n' assumes an 'i18n' key in the
module options. Looks like you are trying to pass some variables to the
string template, note the sprintf-like syntax.
Adds a new map widget to the 2.0 search templates. It is shown initially
in the sidebar but it is expanded when the user needs to draw an area.
It uses Leaflet and Leaflet.draw.
Otherwise you get this exception when the date on the document has time
zone information, as dates as stored without it on the database:
TypeError: can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes
This backend does not use the spatial field on Solr, but indexes the
area and coordinates of the dataset's extent. On query time, a boost
function is used to calculate a ratio between the query area and the
dataset extent, which will give a value of 0 for areas that don't
overlap and 1 for a perfect fit. The same function is used both for
sorting and filtering.
To return correct results on a spatial query, rectangle geometries must
be defined in counter-clockwise order [1]. This changeset adds a small
sanity check to before_index when we are dealing with a Polygon geometry
that has 5 coordinate pairs. Shapely is used to generate a LinearRing
from the polygon coordinates and check if they are ccw. If not, they are
reordered and a new polygon is generated so the WKT sent to Solr is
properly ordered.
The GeoJSON template used for extents in the base spatial harvester has
been also updated to define the coordinates counter-clockwise.