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+[submodule "doc/_themes/sphinx-theme-okfn"]
+ path = doc/_themes/sphinx-theme-okfn
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An Open Knowledge Foundation project.
+{%- if show_copyright %}
+ {% trans copyright=copyright|safe|e %}{{ copyright }}{% endtrans %}
+{%- endif %}
+Mailing List
+Twitter @CKANProject
+Related Projects:
+The DataHub
+Open Data Handbook
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+Subproject commit 59688a6679f3373a57e8d4e60e43f1b249878eb3
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# a list of builtin themes.
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# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
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+ '**': ['globaltoc.html']
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# " v documentation".
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+CSW support
+The extension provides the support for the CSW_ standard, a specification from
+the Open Geospatial Consortium for exposing geospatial catalogues over the web.
+This support consists of:
+* Ability to import records from CSW servers with the CSW harvester. See
+ :doc:`harvesters` for more details.
+* Integration with pycsw_ to provide a fully compliat CSW interface for
+ harvested records. This integration is described on the following sections.
+The spatial extension offers the ``ckan-pycsw`` command, which allows to expose
+the spatial datasets harvested from other sources in a CSW interface. This is
+powered by pycsw_, which fully implements the OGC CSW specification.
+How it works
+The current implementation is based on CKAN and pycsw being loosely integrated
+via the CKAN API. pycsw will be generally installed in the same server as CKAN
+(although it can also be run on a separate one), and the synchronization
+command will be run regularly to keep the records on the pycsw repository up to
+date. This is done using the CKAN API to get all the datasets identifiers (more
+precisely the ones from datasets that have been harvested) and then deciding
+which ones need to be created, updated or deleted on the pycsw repository. For
+those that need to be created or updated, the original harvested spatial
+document (ie ISO 19139) is requested from CKAN, and it is then imported using
+pycsw internal functions::
+ Harvested
+ datasets
+ +
+ |
+ v
+ +--------+ +---------+
+ | | CKAN API | |
+ | CKAN | +------------> | pycsw | +------> CSW
+ | | | |
+ +--------+ +---------+
+Remember, only datasets that were harvested with the :doc:`harvesters`
+can currently be exposed via pycsw.
+All necessary tasks are done with the ``ckan-pycsw`` command. To get more
+details of its usage, run the following::
+ cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-spatial
+ paster ckan-pycsw --help
+1. Install pycsw. There are several options for this, depending on your
+ server setup, check the `pycsw documentation`_.
+ .. note:: CKAN integration requires at least pycsw version 1.6.1. Make sure
+ to install at least this version.
+ The following instructions assume that you have installed CKAN via a
+ `package install`_ and should be run as root, but the steps are the same if
+ you are setting it up in another location::
+ cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src
+ source ../bin/activate
+ # From now on the virtualenv should be activated
+ git clone https://github.com/geopython/pycsw.git
+ cd pycsw
+ # Remember to use at least pycsw 1.6.1
+ git checkout 1.6.1
+ pip install -e .
+ python setup.py build
+ python setup.py install
+2. Create a database for pycsw. In theory you can use the same database that
+ CKAN is using, but if you want to keep them separated, use the following
+ command to create a new one (we'll use the same default user though)::
+ sudo -u postgres createdb -O ckan_default pycsw -E utf-8
+ It is strongly recommended that you install PostGIS in the pycsw databaset,
+ so its spatial functions are used. See the :ref:`install_postgis`
+ section for details.
+3. Configure pycsw. An example configuration file is included on the source::
+ cp default-sample.cfg default.cfg
+ To keep things tidy we will create a symlink to this file on the CKAN
+ configuration directory::
+ ln -s /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/pycsw/default.cfg /etc/ckan/default/pycsw.cfg
+ Open the file with your favourite editor. The main settings you should tweak
+ are ``server.home`` and ``repository.database``::
+ [server]
+ home=/usr/lib/ckan/default/src/pycsw
+ ...
+ [repository]
+ database=postgresql://ckan_default:pass@localhost/pycsw
+ The rest of the options are described `here `_.
+4. Setup the pycsw table. This is done with the ``ckan-pycsw`` paster command
+ (Remember to have the virtualenv activated when running it)::
+ cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-spatial
+ paster ckan-pycsw setup -p /etc/ckan/default/pycsw.cfg
+ At this point you should be ready to run pycsw with the wsgi script that it
+ includes::
+ cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/pycsw
+ python csw.wsgi
+ This will run pycsw at http://localhost:8000. Visiting the following URL
+ should return you the Capabilities file:
+ http://localhost:8000/?service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetCapabilities
+5. Load the CKAN datasets into pycsw. Again, we will use the ``ckan-pycsw``
+ command for this::
+ cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-spatial
+ paster ckan-pycsw load -p /etc/ckan/default/pycsw.cfg
+ .. note:: If you get errors similar to this one, this is caused by
+ limitations on the pycsw model definition. This should be fixed in
+ future versions of pycsw::
+ ERROR: not inserted f8d48eaf-780b-40b8-a502-7a903fde5b1c Error:ERROR: value too long for type character varying(256)
+ When the loading is finished, check that results are returned when visiting
+ this link:
+ http://localhost:8000/?request=GetRecords&service=CSW&version=2.0.2&resultType=results&outputSchema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&typeNames=csw:Record&elementSetName=summary
+ The ``numberOfRecordsMatched`` should match the number of harvested datasets
+ in CKAN (minus import errors). If you run the command again new or udpated
+ datasets will be synchronized and deleted datasets from CKAN will be removed
+ from pycsw as well.
+Running it on production site
+On a production site you probably want to run the load command regularly to
+keep CKAN and pycsw in sync, and serve pycsw with Apache + mod_wsgi like CKAN.
+* To run the load command regularly you can set up a cron job. Type ``crontab -e``
+ and copy the following lines::
+ # m h dom mon dow command
+ 0 * * * * /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial ckan-pycsw load -p /etc/ckan/default/pycsw.cfg
+ This particular example will run the load command every hour. You can of
+ course modify this periodicity, for instance reducing it for huge instances.
+ This `Wikipedia page `_
+ has a good overview of the crontab syntax.
+* To run pycsw under Apache check the pycsw `installation documentation `_
+ or follow this quick steps (they assume the paths used on the previous steps):
+ - Edit ``/etc/apache2/sites-available/ckan_default`` and add the following
+ line just before the existing ``WSGIScriptAlias`` directive::
+ WSGIScriptAlias /csw /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/pycsw/csw.wsgi
+ - Edit the ``/usr/lib/ckan/default/src/pycsw/csw.wsgi`` file and add these two
+ lines just after the imports on the top of the file::
+ activate_this = os.path.join('/usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate_this.py')
+ execfile(activate_this, {"__file__":activate_this})
+ We need these to activate the virtualenv where we installed pycsw into.
+ - Restart Apache::
+ service apache2 restart
+ pycsw should be now accessible at http://localhost/csw
+Legacy plugins and libraries
+Old CSW Server
+.. warning:: **Deprecated:** The old csw plugin has been deprecated, please see `ckan-pycsw`_
+ for details on how to integrate with pycsw.
+To activate it, add the ``csw_server`` plugin to your ini file.
+Only harvested datasets are served by this CSW Server. This is because
+the harvested document is the one that is served, not something derived
+from the CKAN Dataset object. Datasets that are created in CKAN by methods
+other than harvesting are not served.
+The currently supported methods with this CSW Server are:
+ * GetCapabilities
+ * GetRecords
+ * GetRecordById
+For example you can ask the capabilities of the CSW server installed into CKAN
+running on like this::
+ curl ''
+And get a list of the records like this::
+ curl ''
+The standard CSW response is in XML format.
+The command-line tool ``cswinfo`` allows to make queries on CSW servers and
+returns the info in nicely formatted JSON. This may be more convenient to type
+than using, for example, curl.
+Currently available queries are:
+ * getcapabilities
+ * getidentifiers
+ * getrecords
+ * getrecordbyid
+For details, type::
+ cswinfo csw -h
+There are options for querying by only certain types, keywords and typenames
+as well as configuring the ElementSetName.
+The equivalent example to the one above for asking the cabailities is::
+ $ cswinfo csw getcapabilities
+OWSLib is the library used to actually perform the queries.
+.. _pycsw: http://pycsw.org
+.. _pycsw documentation: http://pycsw.org/docs/installation.html
+.. _package install: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/install-from-package.html
+.. _CSW: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/cat
diff --git a/doc/dataset-map.rst b/doc/dataset-map.rst
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-Dataset Extent Map
-To enable the dataset map you need to add the `dataset_extent_map` plugin to your
-ini file (See `Configuration`_). You need to load the `spatial_metadata` plugin also.
-When the plugin is enabled, if datasets contain a 'spatial' extra like the one
-described in the previous section, a map will be shown on the dataset details page.
diff --git a/doc/harvesters.rst b/doc/harvesters.rst
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+Spatial Harvesters
+Overview and Configuration
+The spatial extension provides some harvesters for importing ISO19139-based
+metadata into CKAN, as well as providing a base class for writing new ones.
+The harvesters use the interface provided by ckanext-harvest_, so you will need
+to install and set it up first.
+Once ckanext-harvest is installed, you can add the following plugins to your
+ini file to enable the different harvesters (If you are upgrading from a
+previous version to CKAN 2.0 see legacy_harvesters_):
+* ``csw_harvester`` - CSW server
+* ``waf_harvester`` - WAF (Web Accessible Folder): An online accessible index
+ page with links to metadata documents
+* ``doc_harvester`` - A single online accessible metadata document.
+Have a look at the `ckanext-harvest documentation`_ if you want to have an
+overview of how the CKAN harvesters work, but basically there are three
+separate stages:
+* gather_stage - Aggregates all the remote identifiers for a particular source
+ (eg identifiers for a CSW server, files for a WAF).
+* fetch_stage - Fetches all the remote documents and stores them on the
+ database.
+* import_stage - Performs all the processing for transforming the remote
+ content into a CKAN dataset: validates the document, parses it, converts it
+ to a CKAN dataset dict and saves it in the database.
+The extension provides different XSD and schematron based validators. You can
+specify which validators to use for the remote documents with the following
+configuration option::
+ ckan.spatial.validator.profiles = iso19193eden
+By default, the import stage will stop if the validation of the harvested
+document fails. This can be modified setting the
+``ckanext.spatial.harvest.continue_on_validation_errors`` to True. The setting
+can also be applied at the source level setting to True the
+``continue_on_validation_errors`` key on the source configuration object.
+By default the harvesting actions (eg creating or updating datasets) will be
+performed by the internal site admin user. This is the recommended setting,
+but if necessary, it can be overridden with the
+``ckanext.spatial.harvest.user_name`` config option, eg to support the old
+hardcoded 'harvest' user::
+ ckanext.spatial.harvest.user_name = harvest
+Customizing the harvesters
+The default harvesters provided in this extension can be overriden from
+extensions to customize to your needs. You can either extend ``CswHarvester``,
+``WAFfHarverster`` or the main ``SpatialHarvester`` class. There are some
+extension points that can be safely overriden from your extension. Probably the
+most useful is ``get_package_dict``, which allows to tweak the dataset fields
+before creating or updating them. ``transform_to_iso`` allows to hook into
+transformation mechanisms to transform other formats into ISO1939, the only one
+directly supported byt he spatial harvesters. Finally, the whole
+``import_stage`` can be overriden if the default logic does not suit your
+Check the source code of ``ckanext/spatial/harvesters/base.py`` for more
+details on these functions.
+The `ckanext-geodatagov`_ extension contains live examples on how to extend
+the default spatial harvesters and create new ones for other spatial services
+like ArcGIS REST APIs.
+Harvest Metadata API
+This plugin allows to access the actual harvested document via API requests.
+It is enabled with the following plugin::
+ ckan.plugins = spatial_harvest_metadata_api
+(It was previously known as ``inspire_api``)
+To view the harvest objects (containing the harvested metadata) in the web
+interface, these controller locations are added:
+* raw XML document: /harvest/object/{id}
+* HTML representation: /harvest/object/{id}/html
+.. note:: The old URLs are now deprecated and redirect to the previously
+ mentioned:
+ * /api/2/rest/harvestobject//xml
+ * /api/2/rest/harvestobject//html
+For those harvest objects that have an original document (which was transformed
+to ISO), this can be accessed via:
+* raw XML document: /harvest/object/{id}/original
+* HTML representation: /harvest/object/{id}/html/original
+The HTML representation is created via an XSLT transformation. The extension
+provides an XSLT file that should work on ISO 19139 based documents, but if you
+want to use your own on your extension, you can override it using the following
+configuration options::
+ ckanext.spatial.harvest.xslt_html_content = ckanext.myext:templates/xslt/custom.xslt
+ ckanext.spatial.harvest.xslt_html_content_original = ckanext.myext:templates/xslt/custom2.xslt
+If your project does not transform different metadata types you can ignore the
+second option.
+.. _legacy_harvesters:
+Legacy harvesters
+Prior to CKAN 2.0, the spatial harvesters available on this extension were
+based on the GEMINI2 format, an ISO19139 profile used by the UK Location
+Programme, and the logic for creating or updating datasets and the resulting
+fields were somehow adapted to the needs for this particular project. The
+harvesters were still generic enough and should work fine with other ISO19139
+based sources, but extra care has been put to make the new harvesters more
+generic and robust, so these ones should only be used on existing instances:
+* ``gemini_csw_harvester``
+* ``gemini_waf_harvester``
+* ``gemini_doc_harvester``
+If you are using these harvesters please consider upgrading to the new
+versions described on the previous section.
+.. todo:: Validation library details
+.. _ckanext-harvest: https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-harvest
+.. _ckanext-harvest documentation: https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-harvest#the-harvesting-interface
+.. _ckanext-geodatagov: https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-geodatagov/blob/master/ckanext/geodatagov/harvesters/
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-Welcome to ckanext-spatial docs
-.. note ::
- This is the documentation for CKAN version '|version|'. If you are using a different version, use the links on the bottom right corner of the page to select the appropriate documentation.
-This Administration Guide covers how to set up and manage `CKAN `_ software.
-* The first two sections cover your two options for installing CKAN: package or source install.
-* The rest of the first half of the Guide, up to :doc:`authorization`, covers setup and basic admin.
-* The second half of the Guide, from :doc:`extensions` onwards, covers advanced tasks, including extensions and forms.
-For high-level information on what CKAN is, see the `CKAN website `_.
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index 60b2822..9a6010f 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -1,50 +1,33 @@
-.. ckanext-spatial documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 10 17:17:12 2013.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Welcome to ckanext-spatial's documentation!
ckanext-spatial - Geo related plugins for CKAN
-This extension contains plugins that add geospatial capabilities to CKAN.
-The following plugins are currently available:
+This extension contains plugins that add geospatial capabilities to CKAN_.
-* Spatial model for CKAN datasets and automatic geo-indexing (`spatial_metadata`)
-* Spatial Search - Spatial search integration and API call (`spatial_query`).
-* Spatial Search Widget - Map widget integrated on the search form (`spatial_query_widget`).
-* Dataset Extent Map - Map widget showing a dataset extent (`dataset_extent_map`).
-* WMS Preview - a Web Map Service (WMS) previewer (`wms_preview`).
-* CSW Server - a basic CSW server - to server metadata from the CKAN instance (`cswserver`)
-* GEMINI Harvesters - for importing INSPIRE-style metadata into CKAN (`gemini_csw_harvester`, `gemini_doc_harvester`, `gemini_waf_harvester`)
-* Harvest Metadata API - a way for a user to view the harvested metadata XML, either as a raw file or styled to view in a web browser. (`spatial_harvest_metadata_api`)
+You should have a CKAN instance installed before adding these plugins. Head to
+the `CKAN documentation`_ for information on how to set up CKAN.
-These libraries:
-* CSW Client - a basic client for accessing a CSW server
-* Validators - uses XSD / Schematron to validate geographic metadata XML. Used by the GEMINI Harvesters
-* Validators for ISO19139/INSPIRE/GEMINI2 metadata. Used by the Validator.
+The extension adds a spatial field to the default CKAN dataset schema,
+using PostGIS_ as the backend. This allows to perform spatial queries and
+display the dataset extent on the frontend. It also provides harvesters to
+import geospatial metadata into CKAN from other sources, as well as commands
+to support the CSW standard. Finally, it also includes plugins to preview
+spatial formats such as GeoJSON_.
-And these command-line tools:
-* cswinfo - a command-line tool to help making requests of any CSW server
-As of October 2012, ckanext-csw and ckanext-inspire were merged into this extension.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
+ install
- dataset-map
+ harvesters
+ csw
+ previews
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
+.. _CKAN: http://ckan.org
+.. _CKAN Documentation: http://docs.ckan.org
+.. _PostGIS: http://postgis.org
+.. _GeoJSON: http://geojson.org
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+Installation and Setup
+Check the Troubleshooting_ section if you get errors at any stage.
+.. _install_postgis:
+Install PostGIS and system packages
+.. note:: If you *only* want to load the :doc:`previews` you don't need to
+ install any of the packages on this section and can skip to the
+ next one.
+.. note:: The package names and paths shown are the defaults on an Ubuntu
+ 12.04 install (PostgreSQL 9.1 and PostGIS 1.5). Adjust the
+ package names and the paths if you are using a different version of
+ any of them.
+All commands assume an existing CKAN database named ``ckan_default``.
+#. Install PostGIS::
+ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1-postgis
+#. Run the following commands. The first one will create the necessary
+ tables and functions in the database, and the second will populate
+ the spatial reference table::
+ sudo -u postgres psql -d ckan_default -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
+ sudo -u postgres psql -d ckan_default -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+ .. note:: If using PostgreSQL 8.x, run the following command to enable
+ the necessary language::
+ sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql ckan_default
+#. Change the owner to spatial tables to the CKAN user to avoid errors later
+ on::
+ ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO ckan_default;
+ ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO ckan_default;
+#. Execute the following command to see if PostGIS was properly
+ installed::
+ sudo -u postgres psql -d ckan_default -c "SELECT postgis_full_version()"
+ You should get something like::
+ postgis_full_version
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ POSTGIS="1.5.2" GEOS="3.2.2-CAPI-1.6.2" PROJ="Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009" LIBXML="2.7.7" USE_STATS
+ (1 row)
+#. Install some other packages needed by the extension dependencies::
+ sudo apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libgeos-c1
+Install the extension
+1. Install this extension into your python environment (where CKAN is also
+ installed).
+ .. note:: Depending on the CKAN core version you are targeting you will need
+ to use a different branch from the extension.
+ For a production site, use the ``stable`` branch, unless there is a specific
+ branch that targets the CKAN core version that you are using.
+ To target the latest CKAN core release::
+ (pyenv) $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-spatial.git@stable#egg=ckanext-spatial
+ To target an old release (if a release branch exists, otherwise use
+ ``stable``)::
+ (pyenv) $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-spatial.git@release-v1.8#egg=ckanext-spatial
+ To target CKAN ``master``, use the extension ``master`` branch (ie no
+ branch defined)::
+ (pyenv) $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-spatial.git#egg=ckanext-spatial
+2. Install the rest of python modules required by the extension::
+ (pyenv) $ pip install -r pip-requirements.txt
+To use the :doc:`harvesters`, you will need to install and configure the
+harvester extension: `ckanext-harvest`_. Follow the install instructions on
+its documentation for details on how to set it up.
+Once PostGIS is installed and configured in the database the extension needs
+to create a table to store the datasets extent, called ``package_extent``.
+This will happen automatically the next CKAN is restarted after adding the
+plugins on the configuration ini file (eg when restarting Apache).
+If for some reason you need to explicitly create the table beforehand, you can
+do it with the following command (with the virtualenv activated)::
+ (pyenv) $ paster --plugin=ckanext-spatial spatial initdb [srid] --config=mysite.ini
+You can define the SRID of the geometry column. Default is 4326. If you are not
+familiar with projections, we recommend to use the default value. To know more
+about PostGIS tables, see :doc:`postgis-manual`
+Each plugin can be enabled by adding its name to the ``ckan.plugins`` in the
+CKAN ini file. For example::
+ ckan.plugins = spatial_metadata spatial_query
+When enabling the spatial metadata, you can define the projection in which
+extents are stored in the database with the following option. Use the EPSG code
+as an integer (e.g 4326, 4258, 27700, etc). It defaults to 4326::
+ ckan.spatial.srid = 4326
+Here are some common problems you may find when installing or using the
+When initializing the spatial tables
+ LINE 1: SELECT AddGeometryColumn('package_extent','the_geom', E'4326...
+ ^
+ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
+ "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('package_extent','the_geom', %s, 'GEOMETRY', 2)" ('4326',)
+PostGIS was not installed correctly. Please check the "Setting up PostGIS"
+ sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) permission denied for relation spatial_ref_sys
+The user accessing the ckan database needs to be owner (or have permissions)
+of the geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys tables.
+When migrating to an existing PostGIS database
+If you are loading a database dump to an existing PostGIS database, you may
+find errors like ::
+ ERROR: type "spheroid" already exists
+This means that the PostGIS functions are installed, but you may need to
+create the necessary tables anyway. You can force psql to ignore these
+errors and continue the transaction with the ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK=on::
+ sudo -u postgres psql -d ckan_default -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql -v ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK=on
+You will still need to populate the spatial_ref_sys table and change the
+tables permissions. Refer to the previous section for details on how to do
+When performing a spatial query
+ InvalidRequestError: SQL expression, column, or mapped entity expected - got ''
+The spatial model has not been loaded. You probably forgot to add the
+``spatial_metadata`` plugin to your ini configuration file.
+ InternalError: (InternalError) Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs
+The spatial reference system of the database geometry column and the one
+used by CKAN differ. Remember, if you are using a different spatial
+reference system from the default one (WGS 84 lat/lon, EPSG:4326), you must
+define it in the configuration file as follows::
+ ckan.spatial.srid = 4258
+When running the spatial harvesters
+ File "xmlschema.pxi", line 102, in lxml.etree.XMLSchema.__init__ (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:154475)
+ lxml.etree.XMLSchemaParseError: local list type: A type, derived by list or union, must have the simple ur-type definition as base type, not '{http://www.opengis.net/gml}doubleList'., line 1
+The XSD validation used by the spatial harvesters requires libxml2 ersion 2.9.
+With CKAN you would probably have installed an older version from your
+distribution. (e.g. with ``sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev``). You need to
+find the SO files for the old version::
+ $ find /usr -name "libxml2.so"
+For example, it may show it here: ``/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so``.
+The directory of the SO file is used as a parameter to the ``configure`` next
+Download the libxml2 source::
+ $ cd ~
+ $ wget ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-2.9.0.tar.gz
+Unzip it::
+ $ tar zxvf libxml2-2.9.0.tar.gz
+ $ cd libxml2-2.9.0/
+Configure with the SO directory you found before::
+ $ ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
+Now make it and install it::
+ $ make
+ $ sudo make install
+Now check the install by running xmllint::
+ $ xmllint --version
+ xmllint: using libxml version 20900
+ compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Expr Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib
+.. _PostGIS: http://postgis.org
+.. _ckanext-harvest: https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-harvest
diff --git a/doc/postgis-manual.rst b/doc/postgis-manual.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fd08ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/postgis-manual.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Setting up a PostGIS table
+.. note:: The extension will generally set up the table automatically for you,
+ and also running the ``initdb`` command will have the same effect. This
+ section just describes what's going on for those who want to know more.
+To be able to store geometries and perform spatial operations, PostGIS_
+needs to work with geometry fields. Geometry fields should always be
+added via the ``AddGeometryColumn`` function::
+ CREATE TABLE package_extent(
+ package_id text PRIMARY KEY
+ );
+ ALTER TABLE package_extent OWNER TO ckan_default;
+ SELECT AddGeometryColumn('package_extent','the_geom', 4326, 'GEOMETRY', 2);
+This will add a geometry column in the ``package_extent`` table called
+``the_geom``, with the spatial reference system EPSG:4326. The stored
+geometries will be polygons, with 2 dimensions (The CKAN table uses the
+GEOMETRY type to support multiple geometry types).
+Have a look a the table definition, and see how PostGIS has created
+some constraints to ensure that the geometries follow the parameters
+defined in the geometry column creation::
+ # \d package_extent
+ Table "public.package_extent"
+ Column | Type | Modifiers
+ ------------+----------+-----------
+ package_id | text | not null
+ the_geom | geometry |
+ Indexes:
+ "package_extent_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (package_id)
+ Check constraints:
+ "enforce_dims_the_geom" CHECK (st_ndims(the_geom) = 2)
+ "enforce_srid_the_geom" CHECK (st_srid(the_geom) = 4326)
+.. _PostGIS: http://postgis.org
diff --git a/doc/previews.rst b/doc/previews.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0d737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/previews.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Previews for Spatial Formats
+The extension includes some plugins that implement the IResourcePreview_
+interface, allowing to preview spatial resource files. They are based in
+popular Javascript mapping libraries and should be really easy to extend and
+adapt to your own needs.
+GeoJSON Preview
+.. image:: _static/preview-geojson.png
+The GeoJSON previewer is based on Leaflet_. It will render GeoJSON_ files on a
+map and add a popup showing the features properties, for those resources that
+have a format of ``geojson`` or ``gjosn``.
+To enable the GeoJSON previewer you need to add the ``geojson_preview`` plugin
+to your ini file. This plugin also requires the `resource_proxy`_
+plugin (Make sure you load the ``resource_proxy`` plugin before any other
+from the spatial extension)::
+ ckan.plugins = resource_proxy geojson_preview
+WMS Preview
+.. image:: _static/preview-wms.png
+The WMS previewer is based o OpenLayers_. When the plugin is enabled, if
+datasets contain a resource that has ``wms`` format, the resource page will
+load a simple map viewer that will attempt to load the remote service layers,
+based on the GetCapabilities response.
+To enable the WMS previewer you need to add the ``wms_preview`` plugin to your
+ini file. This plugin also requires the `resource_proxy`_
+plugin (Make sure you load the ``resource_proxy`` plugin before any other
+from the spatial extension::
+ ckan.plugins = resource_proxy wms_preview
+.. note:: Please note that the WMS previewer included in ckanext-spatial is
+ just a proof of concept and has important limitations, and is
+ just intended as a bootstrap for developers willing to build a more
+ sophisticated one.
+ Some projects that have built more advanced map viewers and
+ integrated them with CKAN include:
+ * Data.gov.uk (http://data.gov.uk):
+ - https://github.com/datagovuk/ckanext-dgu
+ - https://github.com/datagovuk/ckanext-os
+ * Catalog.data.gov (http://catalog.data.gov):
+ - https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-geodatagov
+ - https://github.com/chilukey/viewer
+.. _IResourcePreview: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/writing-extensions.html#ckan.plugins.interfaces.IResourcePreview
+.. _resource_proxy: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/data-viewer.html#viewing-remote-resources-the-resource-proxy
+.. _Leaflet: http://leafletjs.org
+.. _GeoJSON: http://geojson.org
+.. _OpenLayers: http://openlayers.org
diff --git a/doc/spatial-search.rst b/doc/spatial-search.rst
index 7404ee9..2223dff 100644
--- a/doc/spatial-search.rst
+++ b/doc/spatial-search.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,281 @@
Spatial Search
-To enable the spatial query you need to add the `spatial_query` plugin to your
-ini file (See `Configuration`_). This plugin requires the `spatial_metadata`
+The spatial extension allows to index datasets with spatial information so they
+can be filtered via a spatial query. This includes both via the web interface
+(see the `Spatial Search Widget`_) or via the `action API`_, e.g.::
+ POST http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search
+ { "q": "Pollution",
+ "facet": "true",
+ "facet.field": "country",
+ "extras": {
+ "ext_bbox": "-7.535093,49.208494,3.890688,57.372349" }
+ }
+.. versionchanged:: 2.0.1
+ Starting from this version the spatial filter it is also supported on GET
+ requests:
+ http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search?q=Pollution&ext_bbox=-7.535093,49.208494,3.890688,57.372349
+To enable the spatial query you need to add the ``spatial_query`` plugin to
+your ini file. This plugin requires the ``spatial_metadata`` plugin, eg::
+ ckan.plugins = [other plugins] spatial_metadata spatial_query
+To define which backend to use for the spatial search use the following
+configuration option (see `Choosing a backend for the spatial search`_)::
+ ckanext.spatial.search_backend = solr
+Geo-Indexing your datasets
+Regardless of the backend that you are using, in order to make a dataset
+queryable by location, an special extra must be defined, with its key named
+'spatial'. The value must be a valid GeoJSON_ geometry, for example::
+ {
+ "type":"Polygon",
+ "coordinates":[[[2.05827, 49.8625],[2.05827, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 49.8625], [2.05827, 49.8625]]]
+ }
+ {
+ "type": "Point",
+ "coordinates": [-3.145,53.078]
+ }
+Every time a dataset is created, updated or deleted, the extension will
+synchronize the information stored in the extra with the geometry table.
+Choosing a backend for the spatial search
+There are different backends supported for the spatial search, it is important
+to understand their differences and the necessary setup required when choosing
+which one to use.
+The following table summarizes the different spatial search backends:
+| Backend | Solr Versions | Supported geometries | Sorting and relevance | Performance with large number of datasets |
+| ``solr`` | 3.1 to 4.x | Bounding Box | Yes, spatial sorting combined with other query parameters | Good |
+| ``solr-spatial-field`` | 4.x | Bounding Box, Point and Polygon [1] | Not implemented | Good |
+| ``postgis`` | 1.3 to 4.x | Bounding Box | Partial, only spatial sorting supported [2] | Poor |
+[1] Requires JTS
+[2] Needs ``ckanext.spatial.use_postgis_sorting`` set to True
+We recommend to use the ``solr`` backend whenever possible. Here are more
+details about the available options:
+* ``solr`` (Recommended)
+ This option uses normal Solr fields to index the relevant bits of
+ information about the geometry and uses an algorithm function to sort
+ results by relevance, keeping any other non-spatial filtering. It only
+ supports bounding boxes both for the geometries to be indexed and the
+ input query shape. It requires `EDisMax`_ query parser, so it will only
+ work on versions of Solr greater than 3.1 (We recommend using Solr 4.x).
+ You will need to add the following fields to your Solr schema file to
+ enable it::
+* ``solr-spatial-field``
+ This option uses the `spatial field`_ introduced in Solr 4, which allows
+ to index points, rectangles and more complex geometries (complex geometries
+ will require `JTS`_, check the documentation).
+ Sorting has not yet been implemented, users willing to do so will need to
+ modify the query using the ``before_search`` extension point.
+ You will need to add the following field type and field to your Solr
+ schema file to enable it (Check the `Solr documentation`__ for more
+ information on the different parameters, note that you don't need
+ ``spatialContextFactory`` if you are not using JTS)::
+* ``postgis``
+ This is the original implementation of the spatial search. It
+ does not require any change in the Solr schema and can run on Solr 1.x,
+ but it is not as efficient as the previous ones. Basically the bounding
+ box based query is performed in PostGIS first, and the ids of the matched
+ datasets are added as a filter to the Solr request. This, apart from being
+ much less efficient, can led to issues on Solr due to size of the requests
+ (See `Solr configuration issues on legacy PostGIS backend`_). There is
+ support for a spatial ranking on this backend (setting
+ ``ckanext.spatial.use_postgis_sorting`` to True on the ini file), but
+ it can not be combined with any other filtering.
+Spatial Search Widget
+.. image:: _static/spatial-search-widget.png
+The extension provides a snippet to add a map widget to the search form, which
+allows filtering results by an area of interest.
+To add the map widget to the to the sidebar of the search page, add this to the
+dataset search page template
+ {% block secondary_content %}
+ {% snippet "spatial/snippets/spatial_query.html" %}
+ {% endblock %}
+By default the map widget will show the whole world. If you want to set up a
+different default extent, you can pass an extra ``default_extent`` to the
+snippet, either with a pair of coordinates like this::
+ {% snippet "spatial/snippets/spatial_query.html", default_extent="[[15.62,
+ -139.21], [64.92, -61.87]]" %}
+or with a GeoJSON object describing a bounding box (note the escaped quotes)::
+ {% snippet "spatial/snippets/spatial_query.html", default_extent="{ \"type\":
+ \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[74.89, 29.39],[74.89, 38.45], [60.50,
+ 38.45], [60.50, 29.39], [74.89, 29.39]]]}" %}
+You need to load the ``spatial_metadata`` and ``spatial_query`` plugins to use this
+Dataset Extent Map
+.. image:: _static/dataset-extent-map.png
+Using the snippets provided, if datasets contain a ``spatial`` extra like the
+one described in the previous section, a map will be shown on the dataset
+details page.
+There are snippets already created to load the map on the left sidebar or in
+the main body of the dataset details page, but these can be easily modified to
+suit your project needs
+To add a map to the sidebar, add this to the dataset details page template (eg
+ {% block secondary_content %}
+ {{ super() }}
+ {% set dataset_extent = h.get_pkg_dict_extra(c.pkg_dict, 'spatial', '') %}
+ {% if dataset_extent %}
+ {% snippet "spatial/snippets/dataset_map_sidebar.html", extent=dataset_extent %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endblock %}
+For adding the map to the main body, add this::
+ {% block primary_content %}
+ {% set dataset_extent = h.get_pkg_dict_extra(c.pkg_dict, 'spatial', '') %}
+ {% if dataset_extent %}
+ {% snippet "spatial/snippets/dataset_map.html", extent=dataset_extent %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endblock %}
+You need to load the ``spatial_metadata`` plugin to use these snippets.
+Legacy Search
+Solr configuration issues on legacy PostGIS backend
+.. warning::
+ If you find any of the issues described in this section it is strongly
+ recommended that you consider switching to one of the Solr based backends
+ which are much more efficient. These notes are just kept for informative
+ purposes.
+If using Spatial Query functionality then there is an additional SOLR/Lucene
+setting that should be used to set the limit on number of datasets searchable
+with a spatial value.
+The setting is ``maxBooleanClauses`` in the solrconfig.xml and the value is the
+number of datasets spatially searchable. The default is ``1024`` and this could
+be increased to say ``16384``. For a SOLR single core this will probably be at
+`/etc/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml`. For a multiple core set-up, there will me
+several solrconfig.xml files a couple of levels below `/etc/solr`. For that
+case, *all* of the cores' `solrconfig.xml` should have this setting at the new
+ 16384
+This setting is needed because PostGIS spatial query results are fed into SOLR
+using a Boolean expression, and the parser for that has a limit. So if your
+spatial area contains more than the limit (of which the default is 1024) then
+you will get this error::
+ Dataset search error: ('SOLR returned an error running query...
+and in the SOLR logs you see::
+ too many boolean clauses ... Caused by:
+ org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanQuery$TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to
+ 1024
+Legacy API
The extension adds the following call to the CKAN search API, which returns
datasets with an extent that intersects with the bounding box provided::
@@ -11,55 +283,15 @@ datasets with an extent that intersects with the bounding box provided::
If the bounding box coordinates are not in the same projection as the one
-defined in the database, a CRS must be provided, in one of the following
+defined in the database, a CRS must be provided, in one of the following forms:
-- urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
+- `urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326`
- EPSG:4326
- 4326
-As of CKAN 1.6, you can integrate your spatial query in the full CKAN
-search, via the web interface (see the `Spatial Query Widget`_) or
-via the `action API`__, e.g.::
- POST http://localhost:5000/api/action/package_search
- {
- "q": "Pollution",
- "extras": {
- "ext_bbox": "-7.535093,49.208494,3.890688,57.372349"
- }
- }
-__ http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/apiv3.html
-Geo-Indexing your datasets
-In order to make a dataset queryable by location, an special extra must
-be defined, with its key named 'spatial'. The value must be a valid GeoJSON_
-geometry, for example::
- {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[2.05827, 49.8625],[2.05827, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 55.7447], [-6.41736, 49.8625], [2.05827, 49.8625]]]}
- { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-3.145,53.078] }
+.. _action API: http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/apiv3.html
+.. _edismax: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ExtendedDisMax
+.. _JTS: http://www.vividsolutions.com/jts/JTSHome.htm
+.. _spatial field: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrAdaptersForLuceneSpatial4
+__ `spatial field`_
.. _GeoJSON: http://geojson.org
-Every time a dataset is created, updated or deleted, the extension will synchronize
-the information stored in the extra with the geometry table.
-Spatial Search Widget
-**Note**: this plugin requires CKAN 1.6 or higher.
-To enable the search map widget you need to add the `spatial_query_widget` plugin to your
-ini file (See `Configuration`_). You also need to load both the `spatial_metadata`
-and the `spatial_query` plugins.
-When the plugin is enabled, a map widget will be shown in the dataset search form,
-where users can refine their searchs drawing an area of interest.