Go to file
David Read dd00e98d9d [model]: More careful about creating tables, since paster db upgrade loads the envrionment and therefore runs setup() before it does the migrations, and therefore in this instance we do not want to create the db tables. 2011-08-10 16:25:57 +01:00
ckanext [model]: More careful about creating tables, since paster db upgrade loads the envrionment and therefore runs setup() before it does the migrations, and therefore in this instance we do not want to create the db tables. 2011-08-10 16:25:57 +01:00
.hgignore Ignore swap files 2011-03-10 09:44:31 +00:00
MANIFEST.in [packaging] Moved templates and publics into source 2011-04-18 08:49:25 +00:00
README.rst Remove old tests 2011-07-19 14:18:25 +01:00
pip-requirements.txt [harvesters] factor out a base harvester for use in generic harvesting apps 2011-06-02 12:07:07 +02:00
setup.cfg [controllers,tests]: Added requirement to be sysadmin for all controller operations. Provided test for this and some useful test infrastrure. 2011-03-25 17:01:26 +00:00
setup.py Make harvesters work with latest ckan release 2011-07-29 11:31:03 +01:00


ckanext-harvest - Remote harvesting extension

This extension provides a common harvesting framework for ckan extensions and adds a CLI and a WUI to CKAN to manage harvesting sources and jobs.


The harvest extension uses Message Queuing to handle the different gather stages.

You will need to install the RabbitMQ server:

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

Clone the repository and set up the extension

hg clone https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckanext-harvest

cd ckanext-harvest

pip install -r pip-requirements.txt

python setup.py develop

Make sure the configuration ini file contains the harvest main plugin, as well as the harvester for CKAN instances (included with the extension)

ckan.plugins = harvest ckan_harvester


Run the following command (in the ckanext-harvest directory) to create the necessary tables in the database:

paster harvester initdb --config=../ckan/development.ini

The extension needs a user with sysadmin privileges to perform the harvesting jobs. You can create such a user running these two commands in the ckan directory:

paster user add harvest

paster sysadmin add harvest

After installation, the harvest interface should be available under /harvest if you're logged in with sysadmin permissions, eg.


Command line interface

The following operations can be run from the command line using the paster harvester command:

harvester initdb
  - Creates the necessary tables in the database

harvester source {url} {type} [{active}] [{user-id}] [{publisher-id}]
  - create new harvest source

harvester rmsource {id}
  - remove (inactivate) a harvester source

harvester sources [all]
  - lists harvest sources
    If 'all' is defined, it also shows the Inactive sources

harvester job {source-id}
  - create new harvest job

harvester jobs
  - lists harvest jobs

harvester run
  - runs harvest jobs

harvester gather_consumer
  - starts the consumer for the gathering queue

harvester fetch_consumer
  - starts the consumer for the fetching queue

harvester import [{source-id}]
  - perform the import stage with the last fetched objects, optionally
    belonging to a certain source.
    Please note that no objects will be fetched from the remote server.
    It will only affect the last fetched objects already present in the

The commands should be run from the ckanext-harvest directory and expect a development.ini file to be present. Most of the time you will specify the config explicitly though:

paster harvester sources --config=../ckan/development.ini

The CKAN haverster

The plugin includes a harvester for remote CKAN instances. To use it, you need to add the ckan_harvester plugin to your options file:

ckan.plugins = harvest ckan_harvester

After adding it, a 'CKAN' option should appear in the 'New harvest source' form.

The harvesting interface

Extensions can implement the harvester interface to perform harvesting operations. The harvesting process takes place on three stages:

  1. The gather stage compiles all the resource identifiers that need to be fetched in the next stage (e.g. in a CSW server, it will perform a GetRecords operation).
  2. The fetch stage gets the contents of the remote objects and stores them in the database (e.g. in a CSW server, it will perform n GetRecordById operations).
  3. The import stage performs any necessary actions on the fetched resource (generally creating a CKAN package, but it can be anything the extension needs).

Plugins willing to implement the harvesting interface must provide the following methods:

from ckan.plugins.core import SingletonPlugin, implements
from ckanext.harvest.interfaces import IHarvester

class MyHarvester(SingletonPlugin):
A Test Harvester

def info(self):
    Harvesting implementations must provide this method, which will return a
    dictionary containing different descriptors of the harvester. The
    returned dictionary should contain:

    * name: machine-readable name. This will be the value stored in the
      database, and the one used by ckanext-harvest to call the appropiate
    * title: human-readable name. This will appear in the form's select box
      in the WUI.
    * description: a small description of what the harvester does. This will
      appear on the form as a guidance to the user.
    * form_config_interface [optional]: Harvesters willing to store configuration
      values in the database must provide this key. The only supported value is
      'Text'. This will enable the configuration text box in the form. See also
      the ``validate_config`` method.

    A complete example may be::

            'name': 'csw',
            'title': 'CSW Server',
            'description': 'A server that implements OGC's Catalog Service
                            for the Web (CSW) standard'

    returns: A dictionary with the harvester descriptors

def validate_config(self, config):
    Harvesters can provide this method to validate the configuration entered in the
    form. It should return a single string, which will be stored in the database.
    Exceptions raised will be shown in the form's error messages.

    returns A string with the validated configuration options

def gather_stage(self, harvest_job):
    The gather stage will recieve a HarvestJob object and will be
    responsible for:
        - gathering all the necessary objects to fetch on a later.
          stage (e.g. for a CSW server, perform a GetRecords request)
        - creating the necessary HarvestObjects in the database, specifying
          the guid and a reference to its source and job.
        - creating and storing any suitable HarvestGatherErrors that may
        - returning a list with all the ids of the created HarvestObjects.

    :param harvest_job: HarvestJob object
    :returns: A list of HarvestObject ids

def fetch_stage(self, harvest_object):
    The fetch stage will receive a HarvestObject object and will be
    responsible for:
        - getting the contents of the remote object (e.g. for a CSW server,
          perform a GetRecordById request).
        - saving the content in the provided HarvestObject.
        - creating and storing any suitable HarvestObjectErrors that may
        - returning True if everything went as expected, False otherwise.

    :param harvest_object: HarvestObject object
    :returns: True if everything went right, False if errors were found

def import_stage(self, harvest_object):
    The import stage will receive a HarvestObject object and will be
    responsible for:
        - performing any necessary action with the fetched object (e.g
          create a CKAN package).
          Note: if this stage creates or updates a package, a reference
          to the package should be added to the HarvestObject.
        - creating the HarvestObject - Package relation (if necessary)
        - creating and storing any suitable HarvestObjectErrors that may
        - returning True if everything went as expected, False otherwise.

    :param harvest_object: HarvestObject object
    :returns: True if everything went right, False if errors were found

See the CKAN harvester for a an example on how to implement the harvesting interface:


Here you can also find other examples of custom harvesters:


Running the harvest jobs

The harvesting extension uses two different queues, one that handles the gathering and another one that handles the fetching and importing. To start the consumers run the following command from the ckanext-harvest directory (make sure you have your python environment activated):

paster harvester gather_consumer --config=../ckan/development.ini

On another terminal, run the following command:

paster harvester fetch_consumer --config=../ckan/development.ini

Finally, on a third console, run the following command to start any pending harvesting jobs:

paster harvester run --config=../ckan/development.ini

After packages have been imported, the search index will have to be updated before the packages appear in search results (from the ckan directory):

paster search-index