import logging import urlparse import json from ckan.lib.navl.dictization_functions import Invalid, validate from ckan import model from ckan.plugins import PluginImplementations from ckanext.harvest.plugin import DATASET_TYPE_NAME from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestSource, UPDATE_FREQUENCIES from ckanext.harvest.interfaces import IHarvester from ckan.lib.navl.validators import keep_extras log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def harvest_source_id_exists(value, context): result = HarvestSource.get(value,None) if not result: raise Invalid('Harvest Source with id %r does not exist.' % str(value)) return value def _normalize_url(url): o = urlparse.urlparse(url) # Normalize port if ':' in o.netloc: parts = o.netloc.split(':') if (o.scheme == 'http' and parts[1] == '80') or \ (o.scheme == 'https' and parts[1] == '443'): netloc = parts[0] else: netloc = ':'.join(parts) else: netloc = o.netloc # Remove trailing slash path = o.path.rstrip('/') check_url = urlparse.urlunparse(( o.scheme, netloc, path, None,None,None)) return check_url def harvest_source_url_validator(key,data,errors,context): package = context.get("package") if package: package_id = else: package_id = data.get(key[:-1] + ("id",)) new_url = _normalize_url(data[key]) #pkg_id = data.get(('id',),'') q = model.Session.query(model.Package.url, model.Package.state) \ .filter(model.Package.type==DATASET_TYPE_NAME) if package_id: # When editing a source we need to avoid its own URL q = q.filter(!=package_id) existing_sources = q.all() for url, state in existing_sources: url = _normalize_url(url) if url == new_url: raise Invalid('There already is a Harvest Source for this URL: %s' % data[key]) return data[key] def harvest_source_type_exists(value,context): #TODO: use new description interface # Get all the registered harvester types available_types = [] for harvester in PluginImplementations(IHarvester): info = if not info or 'name' not in info: log.error('Harvester %r does not provide the harvester name in the info response' % str(harvester)) continue available_types.append(info['name']) if not value in available_types: raise Invalid('Unknown harvester type: %s. Have you registered a harvester for this type?' % value) return value def harvest_source_config_validator(key,data,errors,context): harvester_type = data.get(('source_type',),'') for harvester in PluginImplementations(IHarvester): info = if info['name'] == harvester_type: if hasattr(harvester, 'validate_config'): try: return harvester.validate_config(data[key]) except Exception, e: raise Invalid('Error parsing the configuration options: %s' % str(e)) else: return data[key] def keep_not_empty_extras(key, data, errors, context): extras = data.pop(key, {}) for extras_key, value in extras.iteritems(): if value: data[key[:-1] + (extras_key,)] = value def harvest_source_extra_validator(key,data,errors,context): harvester_type = data.get(('source_type',),'') #gather all extra fields to use as whitelist of what #can be added to top level data_dict all_extra_fields = set() for harvester in PluginImplementations(IHarvester): if not hasattr(harvester, 'extra_schema'): continue all_extra_fields.update(harvester.extra_schema().keys()) extra_schema = {'__extras': [keep_not_empty_extras]} for harvester in PluginImplementations(IHarvester): if not hasattr(harvester, 'extra_schema'): continue info = if not info['name'] == harvester_type: continue extra_schema.update(harvester.extra_schema()) break extra_data, extra_errors = validate(data.get(key, {}), extra_schema) for key in extra_data.keys(): #only allow keys that appear in at least one harvester if key not in all_extra_fields: extra_data.pop(key) for key, value in extra_data.iteritems(): data[(key,)] = value for key, value in extra_errors.iteritems(): errors[(key,)] = value ## need to get config out of extras as __extra runs ## after rest of validation package_extras = data.get(('extras',), []) for num, extra in enumerate(list(package_extras)): if extra['key'] == 'config': # remove config extra so we can add back cleanly later package_extras.pop(num) try: config_dict = json.loads(extra.get('value') or '{}') except ValueError: log.error('Wrong JSON provided in config, skipping') config_dict = {} break else: config_dict = {} config_dict.update(extra_data) if config_dict: config = json.dumps(config_dict) package_extras.append(dict(key='config', value=config)) data[('config',)] = config if package_extras: data[('extras',)] = package_extras def harvest_source_convert_from_config(key,data,errors,context): config = data[key] if config: config_dict = json.loads(config) for key, value in config_dict.iteritems(): data[(key,)] = value def harvest_source_active_validator(value,context): if isinstance(value,basestring): if value.lower() == 'true': return True else: return False return bool(value) def harvest_source_frequency_exists(value): if value == '': value = 'MANUAL' if value.upper() not in UPDATE_FREQUENCIES: raise Invalid('Frequency %s not recognised' % value) return value.upper() def dataset_type_exists(value): if value != DATASET_TYPE_NAME: value = DATASET_TYPE_NAME return value