from pylons import request from ckan import logic from ckan import model import ckan.lib.helpers as h import ckan.plugins as p from ckanext.harvest.model import UPDATE_FREQUENCIES from ckanext.harvest.plugin import DATASET_TYPE_NAME def package_list_for_source(source_id): ''' Creates a dataset list with the ones belonging to a particular harvest source. It calls the package_list snippet and the pager. ''' limit = 20 page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)) fq = 'harvest_source_id:{0}'.format(source_id) search_dict = { 'fq' : fq, 'rows': 10, 'sort': 'metadata_modified desc', 'start': (page - 1) * limit, } context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session} query = logic.get_action('package_search')(context, search_dict) base_url = h.url_for('{0}_read'.format(DATASET_TYPE_NAME), id=source_id) def pager_url(q=None, page=None): url = base_url if page: url += '?page={0}'.format(page) return url pager = h.Page( collection=query['results'], page=page, url=pager_url, item_count=query['count'], items_per_page=limit ) pager.items = query['results'] out = h.snippet('snippets/package_list.html', packages=query['results']) out += pager.pager() return out def harvesters_info(): context = {'model': model, 'user': p.toolkit.c.user or} return logic.get_action('harvesters_info_show')(context,{}) def harvester_types(): harvesters = harvesters_info() return [{'text': p.toolkit._(h['title']), 'value': h['name']} for h in harvesters] def harvest_frequencies(): return [{'text': p.toolkit._(f.title()), 'value': f} for f in UPDATE_FREQUENCIES]