from ckan.lib.helpers import url_for try: from ckan.tests import helpers, factories except ImportError: from ckan.new_tests import helpers, factories from ckanext.harvest.tests import factories as harvest_factories try: from ckan.tests.helpers import assert_in except ImportError: # for ckan 2.2 try: from import assert_in except ImportError: # Python 2.6 doesn't have it def assert_in(a, b, msg=None): assert a in b, msg or '%r was not in %r' % (a, b) import ckanext.harvest.model as harvest_model class TestController(helpers.FunctionalTestBase): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): super(TestController, cls).setup_class() harvest_model.setup() sysadmin = factories.Sysadmin() cls.extra_environ = {'REMOTE_USER': sysadmin['name'].encode('ascii')} @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): super(TestController, cls).teardown_class() helpers.reset_db() def test_new_form_is_rendered(self): app = self._get_test_app() if hasattr(app, 'flask_app'): with app.flask_app.test_request_context(): url = url_for('harvest_new') else: url = url_for('harvest_new') response = app.get(url, extra_environ=self.extra_environ) assert_in('