import sys import re from pprint import pprint from ckan.lib.cli import CkanCommand from ckanext.harvest.lib import * from ckanext.harvest.queue import get_gather_consumer, get_fetch_consumer class Harvester(CkanCommand): '''Harvests remotely mastered metadata Usage: harvester initdb - Creates the necessary tables in the database harvester source {url} {type} [{active}] [{user-id}] [{publisher-id}] - create new harvest source harvester rmsource {id} - remove (inactivate) a harvester source harvester sources [all] - lists harvest sources If 'all' is defined, it also shows the Inactive sources harvester job {source-id} - create new harvest job harvester jobs - lists harvest jobs harvester run - runs harvest jobs harvester gather_consumer - starts the consumer for the gathering queue harvester fetch_consumer - starts the consumer for the fetching queue The commands should be run from the ckanext-harvest directory and expect a development.ini file to be present. Most of the time you will specify the config explicitly though:: paster harvester sources --config=../ckan/development.ini ''' summary = __doc__.split('\n')[0] usage = __doc__ max_args = 6 min_args = 0 def command(self): self._load_config() print '' if len(self.args) == 0: self.parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) cmd = self.args[0] if cmd == 'source': self.create_harvest_source() elif cmd == "rmsource": self.remove_harvest_source() elif cmd == 'sources': self.list_harvest_sources() elif cmd == 'job': self.create_harvest_job() elif cmd == 'jobs': self.list_harvest_jobs() elif cmd == 'run': self.run_harvester() elif cmd == 'gather_consumer': import logging logging.getLogger('amqplib').setLevel(logging.INFO) consumer = get_gather_consumer() consumer.wait() elif cmd == 'fetch_consumer': import logging logging.getLogger('amqplib').setLevel(logging.INFO) consumer = get_fetch_consumer() consumer.wait() elif cmd == "initdb": self.initdb() else: print 'Command %s not recognized' % cmd def _load_config(self): super(Harvester, self)._load_config() def initdb(self): from ckanext.harvest.model import setup as db_setup db_setup() print 'DB tables created' def create_harvest_source(self): if len(self.args) >= 2: url = unicode(self.args[1]) else: print 'Please provide a source URL' sys.exit(1) if len(self.args) >= 3: type = unicode(self.args[2]) else: print 'Please provide a source type' sys.exit(1) if len(self.args) >= 4: active = not(self.args[3].lower() == 'false' or \ self.args[3] == '0') else: active = True if len(self.args) >= 5: user_id = unicode(self.args[4]) else: user_id = u'' if len(self.args) >= 6: publisher_id = unicode(self.args[5]) else: publisher_id = u'' source = create_harvest_source({ 'url':url, 'type':type, 'active':active, 'user_id':user_id, 'publisher_id':publisher_id}) print 'Created new harvest source:' self.print_harvest_source(source) sources = get_harvest_sources() self.print_there_are('harvest source', sources) # Create a Harvest Job for the new Source create_harvest_job(source['id']) print 'A new Harvest Job for this source has also been created' def remove_harvest_source(self): if len(self.args) >= 2: source_id = unicode(self.args[1]) else: print 'Please provide a source id' sys.exit(1) remove_harvest_source(source_id) print 'Removed harvest source: %s' % source_id def list_harvest_sources(self): if len(self.args) >= 2 and self.args[1] == 'all': sources = get_harvest_sources() what = 'harvest source' else: sources = get_harvest_sources(active=True) what = 'active harvest source' self.print_harvest_sources(sources) self.print_there_are(what=what, sequence=sources) def create_harvest_job(self): if len(self.args) >= 2: source_id = unicode(self.args[1]) else: print 'Please provide a source id' sys.exit(1) job = create_harvest_job(source_id) self.print_harvest_job(job) status = u'New' jobs = get_harvest_jobs(status=status) self.print_there_are('harvest jobs', jobs, condition=status) def list_harvest_jobs(self): jobs = get_harvest_jobs() self.print_harvest_jobs(jobs) self.print_there_are(what='harvest job', sequence=jobs) def run_harvester(self): try: jobs = run_harvest_jobs() except: pass sys.exit(1) #print 'Sent %s jobs to the gather queue' % len(jobs) def print_harvest_sources(self, sources): if sources: print '' for source in sources: self.print_harvest_source(source) def print_harvest_source(self, source): print 'Source id: %s' % source['id'] print ' url: %s' % source['url'] print ' type: %s' % source['type'] print ' active: %s' % source['active'] print ' user: %s' % source['user_id'] print 'publisher: %s' % source['publisher_id'] print ' jobs: %s' % len(source['jobs']) print '' def print_harvest_jobs(self, jobs): if jobs: print '' for job in jobs: self.print_harvest_job(job) def print_harvest_job(self, job): print ' Job id: %s' % job['id'] print ' status: %s' % job['status'] print ' source: %s' % job['source']['id'] print ' url: %s' % job['source']['url'] print ' objects: %s' % len(job['objects']) print 'gather_errors: %s' % len(job['gather_errors']) if (len(job['gather_errors']) > 0): for error in job['gather_errors']: print ' %s' % error['message'] print '' def print_there_are(self, what, sequence, condition=''): is_singular = self.is_singular(sequence) print 'There %s %s %s%s%s' % ( is_singular and 'is' or 'are', len(sequence), condition and ('%s ' % condition.lower()) or '', what, not is_singular and 's' or '', ) def is_singular(self, sequence): return len(sequence) == 1