from sqlalchemy import distinct, func from ckan.model import Package, Group from ckanext.harvest.model import (HarvestSource, HarvestJob, HarvestObject, HarvestGatherError, HarvestObjectError) def harvest_source_dictize(source, context): ''' TODO: Deprecated ''' out = source.as_dict() out['publisher_title'] = u'' publisher_id = out.get('publisher_id') if publisher_id: group = Group.get(publisher_id) if group: out['publisher_title'] = group.title out['status'] = _get_source_status(source, context) return out def harvest_job_dictize(job, context): out = job.as_dict() model = context['model'] if context.get('return_stats', True): stats = model.Session.query( HarvestObject.report_status, func.count('total_objects'))\ .filter_by(\ .group_by(HarvestObject.report_status).all() out['stats'] = {'added': 0, 'updated': 0, 'not modified': 0, 'errored': 0, 'deleted': 0} for status, count in stats: out['stats'][status] = count # We actually want to check which objects had errors, because they # could have been added/updated anyway (eg bbox errors) count = model.Session.query( func.distinct(HarvestObjectError.harvest_object_id)) \ .join(HarvestObject) \ .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == \ .count() if count > 0: out['stats']['errored'] = count # Add gather errors to the error count count = model.Session.query(HarvestGatherError) \ .filter(HarvestGatherError.harvest_job_id == \ .count() if count > 0: out['stats']['errored'] = out['stats'].get('errored', 0) + count if context.get('return_error_summary', True): q = model.Session.query( HarvestObjectError.message, func.count(HarvestObjectError.message).label('error_count')) \ .join(HarvestObject) \ .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == \ .group_by(HarvestObjectError.message) \ .order_by('error_count desc') \ .limit(context.get('error_summmary_limit', 20)) out['object_error_summary'] = q.all() q = model.Session.query( HarvestGatherError.message, func.count(HarvestGatherError.message).label('error_count')) \ .filter(HarvestGatherError.harvest_job_id == \ .group_by(HarvestGatherError.message) \ .order_by('error_count desc') \ .limit(context.get('error_summmary_limit', 20)) out['gather_error_summary'] = q.all() return out def harvest_object_dictize(obj, context): out = obj.as_dict() out['source'] = obj.harvest_source_id out['job'] = obj.harvest_job_id if obj.package: out['package'] = out['errors'] = [] for error in obj.errors: out['errors'].append(error.as_dict()) out['extras'] = {} for extra in obj.extras: out['extras'][extra.key] = extra.value return out def harvest_log_dictize(obj, context): return obj.as_dict() def _get_source_status(source, context): ''' TODO: Deprecated, use harvest_source_show_status instead ''' model = context.get('model') out = dict() job_count = HarvestJob.filter(source=source).count() out = { 'job_count': 0, 'next_harvest': '', 'last_harvest_request': '', 'overall_statistics': {'added': 0, 'errors': 0}, } if not job_count: out['msg'] = 'No jobs yet' return out else: out['job_count'] = job_count # Get next scheduled job next_job = HarvestJob.filter(source=source, status=u'New').first() if next_job: out['next_harvest'] = 'Scheduled' else: out['next_harvest'] = 'Not yet scheduled' # Get the last finished job last_job = HarvestJob.filter(source=source, status=u'Finished') \ .order_by(HarvestJob.created.desc()).first() if last_job: #TODO: Should we encode the dates as strings? out['last_harvest_request'] = str(last_job.gather_finished) # Overall statistics packages = model.Session.query(distinct(HarvestObject.package_id), \ .join(Package).join(HarvestSource) \ .filter(HarvestObject.source == source) \ .filter(HarvestObject.current == True) \ .filter(Package.state == u'active') out['overall_statistics']['added'] = packages.count() gather_errors = model.Session.query(HarvestGatherError) \ .join(HarvestJob).join(HarvestSource) \ .filter(HarvestJob.source == source).count() object_errors = model.Session.query(HarvestObjectError) \ .join(HarvestObject).join(HarvestJob).join(HarvestSource) \ .filter(HarvestJob.source == source).count() out['overall_statistics']['errors'] = gather_errors + object_errors else: out['last_harvest_request'] = 'Not yet harvested' return out