import logging import datetime import json import pika import sqlalchemy from ckan.lib.base import config from ckan.plugins import PluginImplementations from ckan import model from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestJob, HarvestObject, HarvestGatherError from ckanext.harvest.interfaces import IHarvester log = logging.getLogger(__name__) assert not log.disabled __all__ = ['get_gather_publisher', 'get_gather_consumer', 'get_fetch_publisher', 'get_fetch_consumer'] PORT = 5672 USERID = 'guest' PASSWORD = 'guest' HOSTNAME = 'localhost' VIRTUAL_HOST = '/' MQ_TYPE = 'amqp' REDIS_PORT = 6379 REDIS_DB = 0 # settings for AMQP EXCHANGE_TYPE = 'direct' EXCHANGE_NAME = 'ckan.harvest' def get_connection(): backend = config.get('', MQ_TYPE) if backend in ('amqp', 'ampq'): # "ampq" is for compat with old typo return get_connection_amqp() if backend == 'redis': return get_connection_redis() raise Exception('not a valid queue type %s' % backend) def get_connection_amqp(): try: port = int(config.get('', PORT)) except ValueError: port = PORT userid = config.get('', USERID) password = config.get('', PASSWORD) hostname = config.get('', HOSTNAME) virtual_host = config.get('', VIRTUAL_HOST) credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(userid, password) parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=hostname, port=port, virtual_host=virtual_host, credentials=credentials, frame_max=10000) log.debug("pika connection using %s" % parameters.__dict__) return pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) def get_connection_redis(): import redis return redis.StrictRedis(host=config.get('', HOSTNAME), port=int(config.get('', REDIS_PORT)), db=int(config.get('', REDIS_DB))) def get_gather_queue_name(): return 'ckan.harvest.{0}.gather'.format(config.get('ckan.site_id', 'default')) def get_fetch_queue_name(): return 'ckan.harvest.{0}.fetch'.format(config.get('ckan.site_id', 'default')) def purge_queues(): backend = config.get('', MQ_TYPE) connection = get_connection() if backend in ('amqp', 'ampq'): channel = channel.queue_purge(queue=get_gather_queue_name()) channel.queue_purge(queue=get_fetch_queue_name()) return if backend == 'redis': connection.flushall() def resubmit_jobs(): if config.get('') != 'redis': return redis = get_connection() harvest_object_pending = redis.keys('harvest_object_id:*') for key in harvest_object_pending: date_of_key = datetime.datetime.strptime(redis.get(key), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") if ( - date_of_key).seconds > 180: # 3 minuites for fetch and import max redis.rpush('harvest_object_id', json.dumps({'harvest_object_id': key.split(':')[-1]}) ) redis.delete(key) harvest_jobs_pending = redis.keys('harvest_job_id:*') for key in harvest_jobs_pending: date_of_key = datetime.datetime.strptime(redis.get(key), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") if ( - date_of_key).seconds > 7200: # 3 hours for a gather redis.rpush('harvest_job_id', json.dumps({'harvest_job_id': key.split(':')[-1]}) ) redis.delete(key) class Publisher(object): def __init__(self, connection, channel, exchange, routing_key): self.connection = connection = channel = exchange self.routing_key = routing_key def send(self, body, **kw): return, self.routing_key, json.dumps(body), properties=pika.BasicProperties( delivery_mode = 2, # make message persistent ), **kw) def close(self): self.connection.close() class RedisPublisher(object): def __init__(self, redis, routing_key): self.redis = redis ## not used self.routing_key = routing_key def send(self, body, **kw): value = json.dumps(body) # remove if already there if self.routing_key == 'harvest_job_id': self.redis.lrem(self.routing_key, 0, value) self.redis.rpush(self.routing_key, value) def close(self): return def get_publisher(routing_key): connection = get_connection() backend = config.get('', MQ_TYPE) if backend in ('amqp', 'ampq'): channel = channel.exchange_declare(exchange=EXCHANGE_NAME, durable=True) return Publisher(connection, channel, EXCHANGE_NAME, routing_key=routing_key) if backend == 'redis': return RedisPublisher(connection, routing_key) class FakeMethod(object): ''' This is to act like the method returned by AMQP''' def __init__(self, message): self.delivery_tag = message class RedisConsumer(object): def __init__(self, redis, routing_key): self.redis = redis self.routing_key = routing_key def consume(self, queue): while True: key, body = self.redis.blpop(self.routing_key) self.redis.set(self.persistance_key(body), str( yield (FakeMethod(body), self, body) def persistance_key(self, message): message = json.loads(message) return self.routing_key + ':' + message[self.routing_key] def basic_ack(self, message): self.redis.delete(self.persistance_key(message)) def queue_purge(self, queue): self.redis.flushall() def basic_get(self, queue): body = self.redis.lpop(self.routing_key) return (FakeMethod(body), self, body) def get_consumer(queue_name, routing_key): connection = get_connection() backend = config.get('', MQ_TYPE) if backend in ('amqp', 'ampq'): channel = channel.exchange_declare(exchange=EXCHANGE_NAME, durable=True) channel.queue_declare(queue=queue_name, durable=True) channel.queue_bind(queue=queue_name, exchange=EXCHANGE_NAME, routing_key=routing_key) return channel if backend == 'redis': return RedisConsumer(connection, routing_key) def gather_callback(channel, method, header, body): try: id = json.loads(body)['harvest_job_id'] log.debug('Received harvest job id: %s' % id) except KeyError: log.error('No harvest job id received') channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) return False # Get a publisher for the fetch queue publisher = get_fetch_publisher() try: job = HarvestJob.get(id) except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, e: # Occasionally we see: sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError # "SSL connection has been closed unexpectedly" log.exception(e) log.error('Connection Error during gather of job %s: %r %r', id, e, e.args) # By not sending the ack, it will be retried later. # Try to clear the issue with a remove. model.Session.remove() return if not job: log.error('Harvest job does not exist: %s' % id) channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) return False # Send the harvest job to the plugins that implement # the Harvester interface, only if the source type # matches harvester_found = False for harvester in PluginImplementations(IHarvester): if['name'] == job.source.type: harvester_found = True # Get a list of harvest object ids from the plugin job.gather_started = datetime.datetime.utcnow() try: harvest_object_ids = harvester.gather_stage(job) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) harvest_objects = model.Session.query(HarvestObject).filter_by( ) for harvest_object in harvest_objects: model.Session.delete(harvest_object) model.Session.commit() raise finally: job.gather_finished = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if not isinstance(harvest_object_ids, list): log.error('Gather stage failed') publisher.close() channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) return False if len(harvest_object_ids) == 0:'No harvest objects to fetch') publisher.close() channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) return False log.debug('Received from plugin gather_stage: {0} objects (first: {1} last: {2})'.format( len(harvest_object_ids), harvest_object_ids[:1], harvest_object_ids[-1:])) for id in harvest_object_ids: # Send the id to the fetch queue publisher.send({'harvest_object_id':id}) log.debug('Sent {0} objects to the fetch queue'.format(len(harvest_object_ids))) if not harvester_found: msg = 'No harvester could be found for source type %s' % job.source.type err = HarvestGatherError(message=msg,job=job) log.error(msg) model.Session.remove() publisher.close() channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) def fetch_callback(channel, method, header, body): try: id = json.loads(body)['harvest_object_id']'Received harvest object id: %s' % id) except KeyError: log.error('No harvest object id received') channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) return False try: obj = HarvestObject.get(id) except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, e: # Occasionally we see: sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError # "SSL connection has been closed unexpectedly" log.exception(e) log.error('Connection Error during gather of harvest object %s: %r %r', id, e, e.args) # By not sending the ack, it will be retried later. # Try to clear the issue with a remove. model.Session.remove() return if not obj: log.error('Harvest object does not exist: %s' % id) channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) return False obj.retry_times += 1 if obj.retry_times >= 5: obj.state = "ERROR" log.error('Too many consecutive retries for object {0}'.format( channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) return False # Send the harvest object to the plugins that implement # the Harvester interface, only if the source type # matches for harvester in PluginImplementations(IHarvester): if['name'] == obj.source.type: fetch_and_import_stages(harvester, obj) model.Session.remove() channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) def fetch_and_import_stages(harvester, obj): obj.fetch_started = datetime.datetime.utcnow() obj.state = "FETCH" success_fetch = harvester.fetch_stage(obj) obj.fetch_finished = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if success_fetch: # If no errors where found, call the import method obj.import_started = datetime.datetime.utcnow() obj.state = "IMPORT" success_import = harvester.import_stage(obj) obj.import_finished = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if success_import: obj.state = "COMPLETE" else: obj.state = "ERROR" else: obj.state = "ERROR" if obj.report_status: return if obj.state == 'ERROR': obj.report_status = 'errored' elif obj.current == False: obj.report_status = 'deleted' elif len(model.Session.query(HarvestObject) .filter_by(package_id = obj.package_id) .limit(2) .all()) == 2: obj.report_status = 'updated' else: obj.report_status = 'added' def get_gather_consumer(): consumer = get_consumer(get_gather_queue_name(), 'harvest_job_id') log.debug('Gather queue consumer registered') return consumer def get_fetch_consumer(): consumer = get_consumer(get_fetch_queue_name(), 'harvest_object_id') log.debug('Fetch queue consumer registered') return consumer def get_gather_publisher(): return get_publisher('harvest_job_id') def get_fetch_publisher(): return get_publisher('harvest_object_id') # Get a publisher for the fetch queue #fetch_publisher = get_fetch_publisher()