The authorization functions have been refactored to take into account
both the new organizaton based authorization on CKAN core and the
harvest source datasets.
Basically at the source level, authorization checks are forwarded to the
relevant package auth function (package_create, package_update, etc.)
wich will check for organizations membership, sysadmin, etc.
Also we only use functions available on the plugins toolkit whenever
* Adapt test_queue to harvest source datasets
* Don't use the same mock harvester on different datasets as it messes
the tests up
* Skip auth tests for the time being
Until now, harvest jobs were set to Finished just after sending all
objects to the fetch stage. Now every time the run command is run, jobs
are set to Running, and all previous Running jobs are checked to see if
all harvest objects have a state of Complete or Error. Only then the job
is flagged as Finished.
The status object gives extra information about the source and there is
a helper function to build the dataset list for this particular source.
TODO: Pager still needs fixing.
We hook into the package_show extension point in order to:
1. For harvest_source type datasets, add extra information about the
source, jobs, etc (calling harvest_source_show_status)
2. For normal datasets, check if they were harvested, and if so, add a
reference to the harvest object and harvest source.
The status dict is added automatically to harvest source packages.
Note that the actual queries still need to be updated as they proabably
won't scale.
`harvest_source_create` and `harvest_source_update` now call
`package_create` and `package_update` respectively, making sure to
define a 'harvest_source' type. The returned dict uses the db_to_form
Taking advantage of the new after_create/after_update extensions points,
the extension checks if the dataset type is harvest source and creates
or updates the corresponding HarvestSource object. When creating a new
one, it will use the same id as the dataset.