james gardner
Moving the extension points code to package as a .deb file
2011-03-28 15:52:43 +01:00
Adrià Mercader
First version of the WMS viewer. The viewer is based on OpenLayers, which is used to parse the GetCapabilities response and build a map with the layers found.
2011-03-22 17:33:58 +00:00
Adrià Mercader
Add spatial search based on PostGIS for packages with geographic extent
2011-03-18 12:05:16 +00:00
james gardner
[security] change public file path code to avoid a trailing , and thus adding / as a static file app in the Pylons middleware cascade
2011-03-14 16:05:34 +00:00
Adrià Mercader
Add option to edit harvesting sources
2011-03-11 13:42:21 +00:00
Adrià Mercader
Add option to delete harvesting sources
2011-03-11 12:41:13 +00:00
Adrià Mercader
Add refresh link to the UI.
2011-03-10 17:24:23 +00:00
Adrià Mercader
Harvesting jobs creation controller
2011-03-10 16:48:50 +00:00
Adrià Mercader
First draft of the Harvesting extension
This extension will hold all the harvesting code that is now located in
different parts of the ckan core and ckanext.dgu. This revision still
uses the ckanext-dgu forms API.
Controllers and templates have been defined for listing, creating and
showing the details of harvesting sources.
2011-03-09 18:56:55 +00:00