
340 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import logging
import re
import uuid
from sqlalchemy.sql import update,and_, bindparam
from pylons import config
from ckan import plugins as p
from ckan import model
from ckan.model import Session, Package, PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH
from ckan.logic import ValidationError, NotFound, get_action
from ckan.logic.schema import default_create_package_schema
from ckan.lib.navl.validators import ignore_missing,ignore
from ckan.lib.munge import munge_title_to_name,substitute_ascii_equivalents
from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestJob, HarvestObject, HarvestGatherError, \
from ckan.plugins.core import SingletonPlugin, implements
from ckanext.harvest.interfaces import IHarvester
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def munge_tag(tag):
tag = substitute_ascii_equivalents(tag)
tag = tag.lower().strip()
return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]', '', tag).replace(' ', '-')
class HarvesterBase(SingletonPlugin):
2011-07-18 18:35:03 +02:00
Generic class for harvesters with helper functions
config = None
_user_name = None
def _gen_new_name(cls, title, existing_name=None,
2011-07-18 18:35:03 +02:00
Returns a 'name' for the dataset (URL friendly), based on the title.
If the ideal name is already used, it will append a number to it to
ensure it is unique.
If generating a new name because the title of the dataset has changed,
specify the existing name, in case the name doesn't need to change
after all.
:param existing_name: the current name of the dataset - only specify
this if the dataset exists
:type existing_name: string
:param append_type: the type of characters to add to make it unique -
either 'number-sequence' or 'random-hex'.
:type append_type: string
2011-07-18 18:35:03 +02:00
ideal_name = munge_title_to_name(title)
ideal_name = re.sub('-+', '-', ideal_name) # collapse multiple dashes
return cls._ensure_name_is_unique(ideal_name,
def _ensure_name_is_unique(ideal_name, existing_name=None,
Returns a dataset name based on the ideal_name, only it will be
guaranteed to be different than all the other datasets, by adding a
number on the end if necessary.
If generating a new name because the title of the dataset has changed,
specify the existing name, in case the name doesn't need to change
after all.
The maximum dataset name length is taken account of.
:param ideal_name: the desired name for the dataset, if its not already
been taken (usually derived by munging the dataset
:type ideal_name: string
:param existing_name: the current name of the dataset - only specify
this if the dataset exists
:type existing_name: string
:param append_type: the type of characters to add to make it unique -
either 'number-sequence' or 'random-hex'.
:type append_type: string
ideal_name = ideal_name[:PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]
if existing_name == ideal_name:
return ideal_name
if append_type == 'number-sequence':
elif append_type == 'random-hex':
APPEND_MAX_CHARS = 5 # 16^5 = 1 million combinations
raise NotImplementedError('append_type cannot be %s' % append_type)
# Find out which package names have been taken. Restrict it to names
# derived from the ideal name plus and numbers added
like_q = u'%s%%' % \
name_results = Session.query(Package.name)\
taken = set([name_result[0] for name_result in name_results])
if existing_name and existing_name in taken:
if ideal_name not in taken:
# great, the ideal name is available
return ideal_name
elif existing_name and existing_name.startswith(ideal_name):
# the ideal name is not available, but its an existing dataset with
# a name based on the ideal one, so there's no point changing it to
# a different number
return existing_name
elif append_type == 'number-sequence':
# find the next available number
counter = 1
while counter <= MAX_NUMBER_APPENDED:
candidate_name = \
ideal_name[:PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH-len(str(counter))] + \
if candidate_name not in taken:
return candidate_name
counter = counter + 1
return None
elif append_type == 'random-hex':
_save_gather_error = HarvestGatherError.create
_save_object_error = HarvestObjectError.create
def _get_user_name(self):
Returns the name of the user that will perform the harvesting actions
(deleting, updating and creating datasets)
By default this will be the old 'harvest' user to maintain
compatibility. If not present, the internal site admin user will be
used. This is the recommended setting, but if necessary it can be
overridden with the `ckanext.harvest.user_name` config option:
ckanext.harvest.user_name = harvest
if self._user_name:
return self._user_name
config_user_name = config.get('ckanext.harvest.user_name')
if config_user_name:
self._user_name = config_user_name
return self._user_name
context = {'model': model,
'ignore_auth': True,
# Check if 'harvest' user exists and if is a sysadmin
user_harvest = p.toolkit.get_action('user_show')(
context, {'id': 'harvest'})
if user_harvest['sysadmin']:
self._user_name = 'harvest'
return self._user_name
except p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound:
context['defer_commit'] = True # See ckan/ckan#1714
self._site_user = p.toolkit.get_action('get_site_user')(context, {})
self._user_name = self._site_user['name']
return self._user_name
def _create_harvest_objects(self, remote_ids, harvest_job):
2011-07-18 18:35:03 +02:00
Given a list of remote ids and a Harvest Job, create as many Harvest Objects and
return a list of their ids to be passed to the fetch stage.
TODO: Not sure it is worth keeping this function
2011-07-18 18:35:03 +02:00
object_ids = []
if len(remote_ids):
for remote_id in remote_ids:
# Create a new HarvestObject for this identifier
obj = HarvestObject(guid = remote_id, job = harvest_job)
return object_ids
self._save_gather_error('No remote datasets could be identified', harvest_job)
except Exception, e:
self._save_gather_error('%r' % e.message, harvest_job)
def _create_or_update_package(self, package_dict, harvest_object):
Creates a new package or updates an exisiting one according to the
package dictionary provided. The package dictionary should look like
the REST API response for a package:
Note that the package_dict must contain an id, which will be used to
check if the package needs to be created or updated (use the remote
dataset id).
If the remote server provides the modification date of the remote
package, add it to package_dict['metadata_modified'].
:returns: The same as what import_stage should return. i.e. True if the
create or update occurred ok, 'unchanged' if it didn't need
updating or False if there were errors.
TODO: Not sure it is worth keeping this function. If useful it should
use the output of package_show logic function (maybe keeping support
for rest api based dicts
2011-07-18 18:35:03 +02:00
# Change default schema
schema = default_create_package_schema()
schema['id'] = [ignore_missing, unicode]
schema['__junk'] = [ignore]
# Check API version
if self.config:
api_version = int(self.config.get('api_version', 2))
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('api_version must be an integer')
api_version = 2
user_name = self._get_user_name()
context = {
'model': model,
'session': Session,
'user': user_name,
'api_version': api_version,
'schema': schema,
'ignore_auth': True,
if self.config and self.config.get('clean_tags', False):
tags = package_dict.get('tags', [])
tags = [munge_tag(t) for t in tags if munge_tag(t) != '']
tags = list(set(tags))
package_dict['tags'] = tags
# Check if package exists
existing_package_dict = self._find_existing_package(package_dict)
# In case name has been modified when first importing. See issue #101.
package_dict['name'] = existing_package_dict['name']
# Check modified date
if not 'metadata_modified' in package_dict or \
package_dict['metadata_modified'] > existing_package_dict.get('metadata_modified'):
log.info('Package with GUID %s exists and needs to be updated' % harvest_object.guid)
# Update package
new_package = get_action('package_update_rest')(context, package_dict)
log.info('Package with GUID %s not updated, skipping...' % harvest_object.guid)
# NB harvest_object.current/package_id are not set
return 'unchanged'
# Flag the other objects linking to this package as not current anymore
from ckanext.harvest.model import harvest_object_table
conn = Session.connection()
u = update(harvest_object_table) \
.where(harvest_object_table.c.package_id==bindparam('b_package_id')) \
conn.execute(u, b_package_id=new_package['id'])
# Flag this as the current harvest object
harvest_object.package_id = new_package['id']
harvest_object.current = True
except NotFound:
# Package needs to be created
# Get rid of auth audit on the context otherwise we'll get an
# exception
context.pop('__auth_audit', None)
# Set name for new package to prevent name conflict, see issue #117
if package_dict.get('name', None):
package_dict['name'] = self._gen_new_name(package_dict['name'])
package_dict['name'] = self._gen_new_name(package_dict['title'])
log.info('Package with GUID %s does not exist, let\'s create it' % harvest_object.guid)
harvest_object.current = True
harvest_object.package_id = package_dict['id']
# Defer constraints and flush so the dataset can be indexed with
# the harvest object id (on the after_show hook from the harvester
# plugin)
model.Session.execute('SET CONSTRAINTS harvest_object_package_id_fkey DEFERRED')
new_package = get_action('package_create_rest')(context, package_dict)
return True
except ValidationError,e:
self._save_object_error('Invalid package with GUID %s: %r'%(harvest_object.guid,e.error_dict),harvest_object,'Import')
except Exception, e:
return None
def _find_existing_package(self, package_dict):
data_dict = {'id': package_dict['id']}
package_show_context = {'model': model, 'session': Session,
'ignore_auth': True}
return get_action('package_show')(
package_show_context, data_dict)