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2012-11-30 18:02:06 +01:00
import json
import copy
import uuid
import factories
import unittest
from nose.tools import assert_equal, assert_raises, ok_
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
from ckan.tests import factories as ckan_factories
from ckan.tests.helpers import _get_test_app, reset_db
except ImportError:
from ckan.new_tests import factories as ckan_factories
from ckan.new_tests.helpers import _get_test_app, reset_db
from ckan import plugins as p
from ckan.plugins import toolkit
from ckan import model
2015-11-04 00:19:05 +01:00
import ckan.lib.search as search
from ckanext.harvest.interfaces import IHarvester
import ckanext.harvest.model as harvest_model
def call_action_api(action, apikey=None, status=200, **kwargs):
'''POST an HTTP request to the CKAN API and return the result.
Any additional keyword arguments that you pass to this function as **kwargs
are posted as params to the API.
package_dict = call_action_api('package_create', apikey=apikey,
assert package_dict['name'] == 'my_package'
num_followers = post(app, 'user_follower_count', id='annafan')
If you are expecting an error from the API and want to check the contents
of the error dict, you have to use the status param otherwise an exception
will be raised:
error_dict = call_action_api('group_activity_list', status=403,
assert error_dict['message'] == 'Access Denied'
:param action: the action to post to, e.g. 'package_create'
:type action: string
:param apikey: the API key to put in the Authorization header of the post
(optional, default: None)
:type apikey: string
:param status: the HTTP status code expected in the response from the CKAN
API, e.g. 403, if a different status code is received an exception will
be raised (optional, default: 200)
:type status: int
:param **kwargs: any other keyword arguments passed to this function will
be posted to the API as params
:raises paste.fixture.AppError: if the HTTP status code of the response
from the CKAN API is different from the status param passed to this
:returns: the 'result' or 'error' dictionary from the CKAN API response
:rtype: dictionary
params = json.dumps(kwargs)
app = _get_test_app()
response = app.post('/api/action/{0}'.format(action), params=params,
extra_environ={'Authorization': str(apikey)},
except ActionError, e:
if str(e) == 'The harvest_source_patch action is not available on this version of CKAN':
raise SkipTest()
raise e
if status in (200,):
ok_(response.json['success'] is True)
return response.json['result']
ok_(response.json['success'] is False)
return response.json['error']
class MockHarvesterForActionTests(p.SingletonPlugin):
def info(self):
return {'name': 'test-for-action',
'title': 'Test for action',
'description': 'test'}
def validate_config(self, config):
if not config:
return config
config_obj = json.loads(config)
if 'custom_option' in config_obj:
if not isinstance(config_obj['custom_option'], list):
raise ValueError('custom_option must be a list')
except ValueError, e:
raise e
return config
def gather_stage(self, harvest_job):
return []
def fetch_stage(self, harvest_object):
return True
def import_stage(self, harvest_object):
return True
class FunctionalTestBaseWithoutClearBetweenTests(object):
''' Functional tests should normally derive from
ckan.lib.helpers.FunctionalTestBase, but these are legacy tests so this
class is a compromise. This version doesn't call reset_db before every
test, because these tests are designed with fixtures created in
def setup_class(cls):
def teardown_class(cls):
"url": "http://test.action.com",
"name": "test-source-action",
"title": "Test source action",
"notes": "Test source action desc",
"source_type": "test-for-action",
"frequency": "MANUAL",
"config": json.dumps({"custom_option": ["a", "b"]})
class ActionBase(object):
def setup_class(cls):
if not p.plugin_loaded('test_action_harvester'):
2015-11-04 00:19:05 +01:00
def setup(self):
def teardown_class(cls):
class HarvestSourceActionBase(FunctionalTestBaseWithoutClearBetweenTests):
def setup_class(cls):
super(HarvestSourceActionBase, cls).setup_class()
if not p.plugin_loaded('test_action_harvester'):
def teardown_class(cls):
super(HarvestSourceActionBase, cls).teardown_class()
def _get_source_dict(self):
return {
"url": "http://test.action.com",
"name": "test-source-action",
"title": "Test source action",
"notes": "Test source action desc",
"source_type": "test-for-action",
"frequency": "MANUAL",
"config": json.dumps({"custom_option": ["a", "b"]})
def test_invalid_missing_values(self):
source_dict = {}
test_data = self._get_source_dict()
if 'id' in test_data:
source_dict['id'] = test_data['id']
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api(self.action,
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], status=409,
for key in ('name', 'title', 'url', 'source_type'):
assert_equal(result[key], [u'Missing value'])
def test_invalid_unknown_type(self):
source_dict = self._get_source_dict()
source_dict['source_type'] = 'unknown'
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api(self.action,
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], status=409,
ok_('source_type' in result)
ok_(u'Unknown harvester type' in result['source_type'][0])
def test_invalid_unknown_frequency(self):
wrong_frequency = 'ANNUALLY'
source_dict = self._get_source_dict()
source_dict['frequency'] = wrong_frequency
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api(self.action,
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], status=409,
ok_('frequency' in result)
ok_(u'Frequency {0} not recognised'.format(wrong_frequency) in result['frequency'][0])
2012-11-30 18:02:06 +01:00
def test_invalid_wrong_configuration(self):
source_dict = self._get_source_dict()
2012-11-30 18:02:06 +01:00
source_dict['config'] = 'not_json'
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api(self.action,
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], status=409,
2012-11-30 18:02:06 +01:00
ok_('config' in result)
ok_(u'Error parsing the configuration options: No JSON object could be decoded' in result['config'][0])
2012-11-30 18:02:06 +01:00
source_dict['config'] = json.dumps({'custom_option': 'not_a_list'})
result = call_action_api(self.action,
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], status=409,
2012-11-30 18:02:06 +01:00
ok_('config' in result)
ok_(u'Error parsing the configuration options: custom_option must be a list' in result['config'][0])
2012-11-30 18:02:06 +01:00
class TestHarvestSourceActionCreate(HarvestSourceActionBase):
def __init__(self):
self.action = 'harvest_source_create'
def test_create(self):
source_dict = self._get_source_dict()
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api('harvest_source_create',
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], **source_dict)
for key in source_dict.keys():
assert_equal(source_dict[key], result[key])
# Check that source was actually created
source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(result['id'])
assert_equal(source.url, source_dict['url'])
assert_equal(source.type, source_dict['source_type'])
# Trying to create a source with the same URL fails
source_dict = self._get_source_dict()
source_dict['name'] = 'test-source-action-new'
result = call_action_api('harvest_source_create',
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], status=409,
ok_('url' in result)
ok_(u'There already is a Harvest Source for this URL' in result['url'][0])
class HarvestSourceFixtureMixin(object):
def _get_source_dict(self):
id = uuid.uuid4()
template = {
"url": "http://test.action.com/%s" % id,
"name": "test-source-action%s" % id,
"title": "Test source action",
"notes": "Test source action desc",
"source_type": "test-for-action",
"frequency": "MANUAL",
"config": json.dumps({"custom_option": ["a", "b"]})
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api('harvest_source_create',
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], **template)
template['id'] = result['id']
return template
class TestHarvestSourceActionUpdate(HarvestSourceFixtureMixin, HarvestSourceActionBase):
def __init__(self):
self.action = 'harvest_source_update'
def test_update(self):
source_dict = self._get_source_dict()
"url": "http://test.action.updated.com",
"name": "test-source-action-updated",
"title": "Test source action updated",
"notes": "Test source action desc updated",
"source_type": "test",
"frequency": "MONTHLY",
"config": json.dumps({"custom_option": ["c", "d"]})
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api('harvest_source_update',
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], **source_dict)
for key in source_dict.keys():
assert_equal(source_dict[key], result[key], "Key: %s" % key)
# Check that source was actually updated
source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(result['id'])
assert_equal(source.url, source_dict['url'])
assert_equal(source.type, source_dict['source_type'])
class TestHarvestSourceActionPatch(HarvestSourceFixtureMixin, HarvestSourceActionBase):
def __init__(self):
self.action = 'harvest_source_patch'
def test_invalid_missing_values(self):
def test_patch(self):
source_dict = self._get_source_dict()
patch_dict = {
"id": source_dict['id'],
"name": "test-source-action-patched",
"url": "http://test.action.patched.com",
"config": json.dumps({"custom_option": ["pat", "ched"]})
sysadmin = ckan_factories.Sysadmin()
result = call_action_api('harvest_source_patch',
apikey=sysadmin['apikey'], **patch_dict)
for key in source_dict.keys():
assert_equal(source_dict[key], result[key], "Key: %s" % key)
# Check that source was actually updated
source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(result['id'])
assert_equal(source.url, source_dict['url'])
assert_equal(source.type, source_dict['source_type'])
class TestActions(ActionBase):
def test_harvest_source_clear(self):
source = factories.HarvestSourceObj(**SOURCE_DICT)
job = factories.HarvestJobObj(source=source)
dataset = ckan_factories.Dataset()
object_ = factories.HarvestObjectObj(job=job, source=source,
context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session,
'ignore_auth': True, 'user': ''}
result = toolkit.get_action('harvest_source_clear')(
context, {'id': source.id})
assert_equal(result, {'id': source.id})
source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(source.id)
assert_equal(harvest_model.HarvestJob.get(job.id), None)
assert_equal(harvest_model.HarvestObject.get(object_.id), None)
assert_equal(model.Package.get(dataset['id']), None)
2015-11-04 00:19:05 +01:00
def test_harvest_source_create_twice_with_unique_url(self):
# don't use factory because it looks for the existing source
data_dict = SOURCE_DICT
site_user = toolkit.get_action('get_site_user')(
{'model': model, 'ignore_auth': True}, {})['name']
{'user': site_user}, data_dict)
data_dict['name'] = 'another-source1'
data_dict['url'] = 'http://another-url'
{'user': site_user}, data_dict)
def test_harvest_source_create_twice_with_same_url(self):
# don't use factory because it looks for the existing source
data_dict = SOURCE_DICT
site_user = toolkit.get_action('get_site_user')(
{'model': model, 'ignore_auth': True}, {})['name']
{'user': site_user}, data_dict)
data_dict['name'] = 'another-source2'
{'user': site_user}, data_dict)
def test_harvest_source_create_twice_with_unique_url_and_config(self):
# don't use factory because it looks for the existing source
data_dict = SOURCE_DICT
site_user = toolkit.get_action('get_site_user')(
{'model': model, 'ignore_auth': True}, {})['name']
{'user': site_user}, data_dict)
data_dict['name'] = 'another-source3'
data_dict['config'] = '{"something": "new"}'
{'user': site_user}, data_dict)
class TestHarvestObject(unittest.TestCase):
def setup_class(cls):
def test_create(self):
job = factories.HarvestJobObj()
context = {
'model': model,
'session': model.Session,
'ignore_auth': True,
data_dict = {
'guid': 'guid',
'content': 'content',
'job_id': job.id,
'extras': {'a key': 'a value'},
harvest_object = toolkit.get_action('harvest_object_create')(
context, data_dict)
# fetch the object from database to check it was created
created_object = harvest_model.HarvestObject.get(harvest_object['id'])
ok_(created_object.guid == harvest_object['guid'] == data_dict['guid'])
def test_create_bad_parameters(self):
source_a = factories.HarvestSourceObj()
job = factories.HarvestJobObj()
context = {
'model': model,
'session': model.Session,
'ignore_auth': True,
data_dict = {
'job_id': job.id,
'source_id': source_a.id,
'extras': 1
harvest_object_create = toolkit.get_action('harvest_object_create')
self.assertRaises(toolkit.ValidationError, harvest_object_create,
context, data_dict)
data_dict['extras'] = {'test': 1}
self.assertRaises(toolkit.ValidationError, harvest_object_create,
context, data_dict)