Clément MOUCHET 9a20dea6a4 UPDATED:
- CKAN Dockerfile
	- improved caching of common requirements with the Datapusher
	- Added $CKAN_INI env variable
	- downgraded to pip 1.4.1 because 1.5 has a bug with HTTPS proxies
	- fixed incorrect default port exposed
- Fig Dockerfile to 1.0.1
- fig.yml
	- mount the custom_options.ini as a volume
	- use relative path by default
- Documentation
- Datapusher Dockerfile based on fusion baseimage.
2014-11-15 18:02:58 +00:00
Dockerfile UPDATED: 2014-11-15 18:02:58 +00:00 UPDATED: 2014-11-15 18:02:58 +00:00


The Fig container runs Fig version 1.0 & the latest Docker within a container.


The Docker socket needs to be mounted as a volume to control Docker on the host. A source folder must be mounted to access the fig definition

Build & Run

Move to the ckan-docker directory

  • Build it:

Build the Docker image from docker/fig/Dockerfile, and call it "fig_container"

docker build --tag="fig_container" docker/fig
  • Run it:

Start the a container based on the fig_container Docker image

docker run -it -d --name="fig-ckan" -p 2375 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock -v $(pwd):/src fig_container
  • Set the source volume path to yours.

In the fig container fig won't work with relative path, because the mount namespace is different, you need to change the relative path to absolute path

for example, change the ./:

    - ./_src:/usr/lib/ckan/default/src

to an absolute path to you ckan-docker directory: /Users/username/git/ckan/ckan-docker/

    - /Users/username/git/ckan/ckan-docker/_src:/usr/lib/ckan/default/src
  • Build the Docker images & run the containers:

Send the fig up command to the fig container

docker exec -it fig-ckan fig up

Using the Fig container

You can use amy fig command by pre-pending the docker exec -it fig-ckan command to any fig command

build & start / recreate

docker exec -it fig-ckan fig up

stop it

docker exec -it fig-ckan fig stop

start it

docker exec -it fig-ckan fig start

delete the containers

docker exec -it fig-ckan fig rm

build new images

docker exec -it fig-ckan fig build


docker exec -it fig-ckan fig logs