Fig === The Fig container runs Fig version 1.0 & the latest Docker within a container. # Usage: The Docker socket needs to be mounted as a volume to control Docker on the host. A source folder must be mounted to access the fig definition ## Build & Run _Move to the `ckan-docker` directory_ - Build it: _Build the Docker image from `docker/fig/Dockerfile`, and call it "fig_container"_ docker build --tag="fig_container" docker/fig - Run it: _Start the a container based on the `fig_container` Docker image_ docker run -it -d --name="fig-ckan" -p 2375 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock -v $(pwd):/src fig_container - Set the source volume path to yours. _In the fig container fig won't work with relative path, because the mount namespace is different, you need to change the relative path to absolute path_ for example, change the `./`: volumes: - ./_src:/usr/lib/ckan/default/src to an absolute path to you ckan-docker directory: `/Users/username/git/ckan/ckan-docker/` volumes: - /Users/username/git/ckan/ckan-docker/_src:/usr/lib/ckan/default/src - Build the Docker images & run the containers: Send the `fig up` command to the fig container docker exec -it fig-ckan fig up ## Using the Fig container You can use amy fig command by pre-pending the `docker exec -it fig-ckan` command to any fig command ### build & start / recreate docker exec -it fig-ckan fig up ### stop it docker exec -it fig-ckan fig stop ### start it docker exec -it fig-ckan fig start ### delete the containers docker exec -it fig-ckan fig rm ### build new images docker exec -it fig-ckan fig build ### logs docker exec -it fig-ckan fig logs