# These are packages that are required by ckan developers - for running ckan in debug mode, running ckan tests, building the docs and to pip-compile the requirements.in file. beautifulsoup4==4.5.1 coveralls #Let Unpinned - Requires latest coveralls docutils==0.12 factory-boy==2.1.1 Flask-DebugToolbar==0.10.1 freezegun==0.3.15 responses==0.10.6 mock==2.0.0 pycodestyle==2.5.0 pip-tools==2.0.2 pyfakefs==3.2 Sphinx==1.8.5 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.3.1 cookiecutter==1.6.0 # nose==1.3.0 # already in requirements.txt pytest==4.6.5 pytest-split-tests==1.0.9 pytest-cov==2.7.1 pytest-freezegun==0.4.1 pytest-rerunfailures==8.0 towncrier==19.2.0