FROM alpine:3.13 # Internals, you probably don't need to change these ENV APP_DIR=/srv/app ENV SRC_DIR=/srv/app/src ENV CKAN_INI=${APP_DIR}/ckan.ini ENV PIP_SRC=${SRC_DIR} ENV CKAN_STORAGE_PATH=/var/lib/ckan ENV GIT_URL= ENV TZ=UTC RUN echo ${TZ} > /etc/timezone # CKAN version to build ENV GIT_BRANCH=ckan-2.9.8 # Customize these on the .env file if needed ENV CKAN_SITE_URL=http://localhost:5000 ENV CKAN__PLUGINS image_view text_view recline_view datastore datapusher envvars # UWSGI options ENV UWSGI_HARAKIRI=50 WORKDIR ${APP_DIR} # Install necessary packages to run CKAN RUN apk add --no-cache tzdata \ git \ gettext \ postgresql-client \ python3 \ libxml2 \ libxslt \ musl-dev \ uwsgi \ uwsgi-http \ uwsgi-corerouter \ uwsgi-python \ py3-gevent \ uwsgi-gevent \ libmagic \ curl \ patch \ sudo && \ # Packages to build CKAN requirements and plugins apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \ postgresql-dev \ gcc \ make \ g++ \ autoconf \ automake \ libtool \ python3-dev \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt-dev \ linux-headers \ openssl-dev \ libffi-dev \ cargo && \ # Set up PROJ geos-dev \ proj \ proj-util \ proj-dev && \ # Create SRC_DIR mkdir -p ${SRC_DIR} && \ # Install pip, supervisord and uwsgi curl -o ${SRC_DIR}/ && \ python3 ${SRC_DIR}/ && \ pip3 install supervisor && \ mkdir /etc/supervisord.d && \ #pip wheel --wheel-dir=/wheels uwsgi gevent && \ rm -rf ${SRC_DIR}/ COPY setup/supervisord.conf /etc # Install CKAN RUN pip3 install -e git+${GIT_URL}@${GIT_BRANCH}#egg=ckan && \ cd ${SRC_DIR}/ckan && \ cp who.ini ${APP_DIR} && \ pip3 install -r requirement-setuptools.txt && \ pip3 install --no-binary markdown -r requirements.txt && \ # Install CKAN envvars to support loading config from environment variables pip3 install -e git+ && \ # Create and update CKAN config ckan generate config ${CKAN_INI} && \ ckan config-tool ${CKAN_INI} "beaker.session.secret = " && \ ckan config-tool ${CKAN_INI} "ckan.plugins = ${CKAN__PLUGINS}" # Create a local user and group to run the app RUN addgroup -g 92 -S ckan && \ adduser -u 92 -h /srv/app -s /bin/bash -D -G ckan ckan # Create local storage folder RUN mkdir -p ${CKAN_STORAGE_PATH} && \ chown -R ckan:ckan ${CKAN_STORAGE_PATH} COPY setup/ ${APP_DIR} COPY setup/ ${APP_DIR} ADD${GIT_BRANCH}/ ${APP_DIR} # Create entrypoint directory for children image scripts ONBUILD RUN mkdir /docker-entrypoint.d RUN chown ckan -R /srv/app RUN addgroup sudo && \ adduser ckan sudo EXPOSE 5000 HEALTHCHECK --interval=60s --timeout=5s --retries=5 CMD curl --fail http://localhost:5000/api/3/action/status_show || exit 1 # Make sure both files are not exactly the same RUN if ! [ /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ} -ef /etc/localtime ]; then \ cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ} /etc/localtime ;\ fi ; # Extensions ### XLoader - v0.12.2 ### RUN pip3 install -e 'git+' && \ pip3 install -r ${APP_DIR}/src/ckanext-xloader/requirements.txt && \ pip3 install -U requests[security] ### Harvester - v1.5.0 ### RUN echo "ckan/ckanext-harvest" && \ pip3 install -e 'git+' && \ pip3 install -r ${APP_DIR}/src/ckanext-harvest/pip-requirements.txt ### Geoview - v0.0.20 ### RUN echo "ckan/ckanext-geoview" && \ pip3 install -e 'git+' ### Spatial - v2.0.0 ### RUN echo "ckan/ckanext-spatial" && \ pip3 install -e 'git+' && \ pip3 install -r ### DCAT - master (GeoDCAT-AP extended version) ### RUN echo "mjanez/ckanext-dcat (GeoDCAT-AP extended version)" && \ pip3 install -e git+ && \ pip3 install -r ### Scheming - master (GeoDCAT-AP extended version) ### RUN echo "mjanez/ckanext-scheming (GeoDCAT-AP extended version)" && \ pip3 install -e git+ ### Resource dictionary (Fix version) - main ### RUN echo "mjanez/ckanext-resourcedictionary" && \ pip3 install -e 'git+' ### Pages - v0.5.1 ### RUN echo "ckan/ckanext-pages" && \ pip3 install -e git+ ### PDFView - v0.0.8 ### RUN echo "ckan/ckanext-pdfview" && \ pip3 install -e git+ # Used to configure the container environment by setting environment variables, creating users, running initialization scripts, .etc COPY docker-entrypoint.d/* /docker-entrypoint.d/ # Apply any patches needed to CKAN core COPY patches ${APP_DIR}/patches RUN for d in $APP_DIR/patches/*; do \ if [ -d $d ]; then \ for f in `ls $d/*.patch | sort -g`; do \ cd $SRC_DIR/`basename "$d"` && echo "$0: Applying patch $f to $SRC_DIR/`basename $d`"; patch -p1 < "$f" ; \ done ; \ fi ; \ done CMD ["/srv/app/"]