import os import sys import subprocess import psycopg2 try: from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import URLError except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen from urllib2 import URLError import time import re import json ckan_ini = os.environ.get("CKAN_INI", "/srv/app/ckan.ini") RETRY = 5 def update_plugins(): plugins = os.environ.get("CKAN__PLUGINS", "") print(("[prerun] Setting the following plugins in {}:".format(ckan_ini))) print(plugins) cmd = ["ckan", "config-tool", ckan_ini, "ckan.plugins = {}".format(plugins)] subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print("[prerun] Plugins set.") def check_main_db_connection(retry=None): conn_str = os.environ.get("CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL") if not conn_str: print("[prerun] CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL not defined, not checking db") return check_db_connection(conn_str, retry) def check_datastore_db_connection(retry=None): conn_str = os.environ.get("CKAN_DATASTORE_WRITE_URL") if not conn_str: print("[prerun] CKAN_DATASTORE_WRITE_URL not defined, not checking db") return check_db_connection(conn_str, retry) def check_db_connection(conn_str, retry=None): if retry is None: retry = RETRY elif retry == 0: print("[prerun] Giving up after 5 tries...") sys.exit(1) try: connection = psycopg2.connect(conn_str) except psycopg2.Error as e: print(str(e)) print("[prerun] Unable to connect to the database, waiting...") time.sleep(10) check_db_connection(conn_str, retry=retry - 1) else: connection.close() def check_solr_connection(retry=None): if retry is None: retry = RETRY elif retry == 0: print("[prerun] Giving up after 5 tries...") sys.exit(1) url = os.environ.get("CKAN_SOLR_URL", "") search_url = '{url}/schema/name?wt=json'.format(url=url) try: connection = urlopen(search_url) except URLError as e: print(str(e)) print("[prerun] Unable to connect to solr, waiting...") time.sleep(10) check_solr_connection(retry=retry - 1) else: import re conn_info = schema_name = json.loads(conn_info) if 'ckan' in schema_name['name']: print('[prerun] Succesfully connected to solr and CKAN schema loaded') else: print('[prerun] Succesfully connected to solr, but CKAN schema not found') def init_db(): db_command = ["ckan", "-c", ckan_ini, "db", "init"] print("[prerun] Initializing or upgrading db - start") try: subprocess.check_output(db_command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print("[prerun] Initializing or upgrading db - end") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if "OperationalError" in e.output: print(e.output) print("[prerun] Database not ready, waiting a bit before exit...") time.sleep(5) sys.exit(1) else: print(e.output) raise e def init_datastore_db(): conn_str = os.environ.get("CKAN_DATASTORE_WRITE_URL") if not conn_str: print("[prerun] Skipping datastore initialization") return datastore_perms_command = ["ckan", "-c", ckan_ini, "datastore", "set-permissions"] connection = psycopg2.connect(conn_str) cursor = connection.cursor() print("[prerun] Initializing datastore db - start") try: datastore_perms = subprocess.Popen( datastore_perms_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) perms_sql = # Remove internal pg command as psycopg2 does not like it perms_sql = re.sub(b'\\\\connect "(.*)"', b"", perms_sql) cursor.execute(perms_sql) for notice in connection.notices: print(notice) connection.commit() print("[prerun] Initializing datastore db - end") print( except psycopg2.Error as e: print("[prerun] Could not initialize datastore") print(str(e)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if "OperationalError" in e.output: print(e.output) print("[prerun] Database not ready, waiting a bit before exit...") time.sleep(5) sys.exit(1) else: print(e.output) raise e finally: cursor.close() connection.close() def create_sysadmin(): name = os.environ.get("CKAN_SYSADMIN_NAME") password = os.environ.get("CKAN_SYSADMIN_PASSWORD") email = os.environ.get("CKAN_SYSADMIN_EMAIL") if name and password and email: # Check if user exists command = ["ckan", "-c", ckan_ini, "user", "show", name] out = subprocess.check_output(command) if b"User:None" not in re.sub(b"\s", b"", out): print("[prerun] Sysadmin user exists, skipping creation") return # Create user command = [ "ckan", "-c", ckan_ini, "user", "add", name, "password=" + password, "email=" + email, ] print("[prerun] Created user {0}".format(name)) # Make it sysadmin command = ["ckan", "-c", ckan_ini, "sysadmin", "add", name] print("[prerun] Made user {0} a sysadmin".format(name)) if __name__ == "__main__": maintenance = os.environ.get("MAINTENANCE_MODE", "").lower() == "true" if maintenance: print("[prerun] Maintenance mode, skipping setup...") else: check_main_db_connection() init_db() update_plugins() check_datastore_db_connection() init_datastore_db() check_solr_connection() create_sysadmin()