2022-07-11 13:32:17 +02:00
# (from) July 7 2022
2022-07-07 17:39:52 +02:00
# This repo will be actively worked on from now.
# This file will be my ToDo list of things to take care of
2022-07-08 13:50:55 +02:00
ckan/ckan-docker-base: For the base images Dockerfiles (prod and dev) and related scripts
ckan/ckan-docker: For the project-oriented image template (prod and dev). Patching only done in Dev ### This repo!
2022-06-01 09:56:25 +02:00
2022-07-08 13:50:55 +02:00
All the other images should live in separate repos
1. Solr - use ckan-solr (https://github.com/ckan/ckan-solr)
2. PostgreSQL - use current method (base image: postgres:12-alpine from DockerHub, enhanced in a Dockerfile)
### This may change to be more like Solr though
2022-07-11 13:32:17 +02:00
3. Redis - use current method (DockerHub image: redis:${REDIS_VERSION} specified as a compose service in the compose file)
latest image to used is redis:6
2022-07-08 13:50:55 +02:00
4. nginx - base image: nginx:1.19.8-alpine from DockerHub, enhanced in a Dockerfile)
5. DataPusher - built from the actual datapusher repo (https://github.com/ckan/datapusher)
6. CKAN Worker - add new (ckan worker) container in the compose setup
Versions 2.9 and 2.10 (when it's out) only. Plan the repo layout for having multiple versions - OKFN could used as an example
Go through all the new changes in the current repo and use those for the new repo if they make sense
- Francesco's PR https://github.com/ckan/ckan/pull/4635 which is a beauty!
- use FROM ubuntu:focal for ckan
- Health Checks https://github.com/ckan/ckan/pull/6812
- Restarts https://github.com/ckan/ckan/pull/6569
- Make asure ARGs are used if they are added to compose file
2022-07-08 13:57:32 +02:00
- Check out Florian's docs https://github.com/dbca-wa/ckan/blob/dbca2022/doc/maintaining/installing/install-from-docker-compose.rst
- Check out Florian's repo https://github.com/dbca-wa/ckan/tree/dbca2022
2022-07-11 13:32:17 +02:00
- Documentation to be re-done from scratch...anything that could be useful can be mentioned here eg: local storage for ckan.ini