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Tests for
Tests are written using the pytest library (, and you
should read the testing guidelines in the CKAN docs:
To write tests for your extension you should install the pytest-ckan package:
pip install pytest-ckan
This will allow you to use CKAN specific fixtures on your tests.
For instance, if your test involves database access you can use `clean_db` to
reset the database:
import pytest
from ckan.tests import factories
def test_some_action():
dataset = factories.Dataset()
# ...
For functional tests that involve requests to the application, you can use the
`app` fixture:
from ckan.plugins import toolkit
def test_some_endpoint(app):
url = toolkit.url_for('myblueprint.some_endpoint')
response = app.get(url)
assert response.status_code == 200
To temporary patch the CKAN configuration for the duration of a test you can use:
import pytest
@pytest.mark.ckan_config("ckanext.myext.some_key", "some_value")
def test_some_action():
import ckanext.d4science.plugin as plugin
@pytest.mark.ckan_config("ckan.plugins", "d4science")
def test_plugin():
assert plugin_loaded("d4science")