307 lines
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307 lines
12 KiB
import ckan.plugins as plugins
import ckan.plugins.toolkit as toolkit
import ckan.lib.dictization.model_save as model_save
import sqlalchemy as sa
from ckan.views.resource import Blueprint
from ckanext.d4science import helpers
from ckanext.d4science.logic import action, auth
from ckanext.d4science.logic import validators
from ckan.config.middleware.common_middleware import TrackingMiddleware
from ckan.model import Package
from logging import getLogger
from flask import g
log = getLogger(__name__)
def remove_check_replicated_custom_key(schema):
if schema is not None:
schema.pop('__before', None)
return schema
def _package_extras_save(extra_dicts, obj, context):
''' It can save repeated extras as key-value '''
#allow_partial_update = context.get("allow_partial_update", False) potrebbe non servire
if extra_dicts is None: #and allow_partial_update:
model = context["model"]
session = context["session"]
log.debug("extra_dicts: "+ str(extra_dicts))
#print "extra_dicts: "+str(extra_dicts)
extras_list = obj.extras_list
#extras = dict((extra.key, extra) for extra in extras_list)
old_extras = {}
extras = {}
for extra in extras_list or []:
old_extras.setdefault(extra.key, []).append(extra.value)
extras.setdefault(extra.key, []).append(extra)
#print "old_extras: "+str(old_extras)
new_extras = {}
for extra_dict in extra_dicts or []:
#print 'extra_dict key: '+extra_dict["key"] + ', value: '+extra_dict["value"]
#new_extras.setdefault(extra_dict["key"], []).append(extra_dict["value"])
if extra_dict.get("deleted"):
log.debug("extra_dict deleted: "+str(extra_dict["key"]))
#print 'extra_dict deleted: '+extra_dict["key"]
#if extra_dict['value'] is not None and not extra_dict["value"] == "":
if extra_dict['value'] is not None:
new_extras.setdefault(extra_dict["key"], []).append(extra_dict["value"])
log.debug("new_extras: "+ str(new_extras))
#print "new_extras: "+str(new_extras)
#aggiunta di nuove chiavi
for key in set(new_extras.keys()) - set(old_extras.keys()):
#state = 'active'
log.debug("adding key: " + str(key))
#print "adding key: "+str(key)
extra_lst = new_extras[key]
for extra in extra_lst:
extra = model.PackageExtra(state='active', key=key, value=extra)
#gestione chiavi eliminate
for key in set(old_extras.keys()) - set(new_extras.keys()):
log.debug("deleting key: "+ str(key))
#print "deleting key: "+str(key)
extra_lst = extras[key]
for extra in extra_lst:
#state = 'deleted'
extra.state = 'deleted'
#gestione chiavi aggiornate
for key in set(new_extras.keys()) & set(old_extras.keys()):
#for each value of new list
for value in new_extras[key]:
old_occur = old_extras[key].count(value)
new_occur = new_extras[key].count(value)
log.debug("value: " + str(value) + ", new_occur: "+ str(new_occur)+ ", old_occur: "+ str(old_occur))
#print "value: "+str(value) + ", new_occur: "+str(new_occur) + ", old_occur: "+str(old_occur)
# it is an old value deleted or not
if value in old_extras[key]:
if old_occur == new_occur:
#print "extra - occurrences of: "+str(value) +", are equal into both list"
log.debug("extra - occurrences of: "+ str(value) +", are equal into both list")
#there is a little bug, this code return always the first element, so I'm fixing with #FIX-STATUS
extra_values = get_package_for_value(extras[key], value)
for extra in extra_values:
#state = 'active'
extra.state = 'active'
#print "extra updated: "+str(extra)
log.debug("extra updated: "+ str(extra))
elif new_occur > old_occur:
#print "extra - a new occurrence of: "+str(value) +", is present into new list, adding it to old list"
log.debug("extra - a new occurrence of: "+ str(value) + ", is present into new list, adding it to old list")
#state = 'active'
extra = model.PackageExtra(state='active', key=key, value=value)
#extra.state = state
#extra.state = 'active' non dovrebbe servire
log.debug("old extra values updated: "+ str(old_extras[key]))
#print "old extra values updated: "+str(old_extras[key])
#remove all occurrences deleted - this code could be optimized, it is run several times but could be performed one shot
countDelete = old_occur-new_occur
log.debug("extra - occurrence of: "+ str(value).encode('utf-8') + ", is not present into new list, removing "+ str(countDelete).encode('utf-8')+" occurrence/s from old list")
#print "extra - occurrence of: "+str(value) +", is not present into new list, removing "+str(countDelete)+" occurrence/s from old list"
extra_values = get_package_for_value(extras[key], value)
for idx, extra in enumerate(extra_values):
if idx < countDelete:
#print "extra - occurrence of: "+str(value) +", is not present into new list, removing it from old list"
log.debug("pkg extra deleting: "+ str(extra.value))
#print "pkg extra deleting: "+str(extra.value)
#state = 'deleted'
extra.state = 'deleted'
#print "pkg extra reactivating: "+str(extra.value)
log.debug("pkg extra reactivating: "+ str(extra.value))
#state = 'active'
extra.state = 'active'
#print "extra new value: "+str(value)
log.debug("extra new value: " + str(value))
#state = 'active'
extra = model.PackageExtra(state='active', key=key, value=value)
#extra.state = state
#extra.state = 'active'
#chiavi vecchie non presenti
for value in old_extras[key]:
#if value is not present in new list
if value not in new_extras[key]:
extra_values = get_package_for_value(extras[key], value)
for extra in extra_values:
#print "not present extra deleting: "+str(extra)
log.debug("not present extra deleting: "+ str(extra))
#state = 'deleted'
extra.state = 'deleted'
def get_package_for_value(list_package, value):
''' Returns a list of packages containing the value passed in input'''
return [x for x in list_package if x.value == value]
#lst = []
#for x in list_package:
# if x.value == value:
# lst.append(x)
# else:
# return lst
#return lst
#gestisce le connessioni al db relazionale utilizzato da ckan
def _init_TrackingMiddleware(self, app, config):
self.app = app
log.debug('TrackingMiddleware d4Science instance')
sqlalchemy_url = config.get('sqlalchemy.url')
log.debug('sqlalchemy_url read: '+str(sqlalchemy_url))
sqlalchemy_pool = config.get('sqlalchemy.pool_size')
if sqlalchemy_pool is None:
sqlalchemy_pool = 5
log.debug('sqlalchemy_pool read: '+str(sqlalchemy_pool))
sqlalchemy_overflow = config.get('sqlalchemy.max_overflow')
if sqlalchemy_overflow is None:
sqlalchemy_overflow = 10
log.debug('sqlalchemy_overflow read: '+str(sqlalchemy_overflow))
self.engine = sa.create_engine(sqlalchemy_url, pool_size=int(sqlalchemy_pool), max_overflow=int(sqlalchemy_overflow))
except TypeError as e:
log.error('pool size does not work: ' +str(e.args))
self.engine = sa.create_engine(sqlalchemy_url)
# import ckanext.d4science.cli as cli
# import ckanext.d4science.helpers as helpers
import ckanext.d4science.views as views
# from ckanext.d4science.logic import (
# action, auth, validators
# )
class D4SciencePlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
# plugins.implements(plugins.IClick)
#ckan 2.10
# IConfigurer
def update_config(self, config_):
toolkit.add_template_directory(config_, "templates")
toolkit.add_public_directory(config_, "public")
toolkit.add_resource("assets", "d4science")
# IAuthFunctions
def get_auth_functions(self):
return auth.get_auth_functions()
# IActions
def get_actions(self):
return action.get_actions()
#IDataSetForm for custom datatype and dataset
def package_types(self):
# Aggiunta del tipo di dato personalizzato deliverable
return []
def is_fallback(self):
# Indica che questo plugin può essere usato come fallback se un tipo specifico non è specificato
return False
def package_types(self):
# This plugin doesn't handle any special package types, it just
# registers itself as the default (above).
return []
def create_package_schema(self):
schema = super(D4SciencePlugin, self).create_package_schema()
schema = remove_check_replicated_custom_key(schema)
# 'deliverable_type': [ignore_missing, unicode],
return schema
def update_package_schema(self):
schema = super(D4SciencePlugin, self).update_package_schema()
schema = remove_check_replicated_custom_key(schema)
# 'deliverable_type': [ignore_missing, unicode],
return schema
def show_package_schema(self):
schema = super(D4SciencePlugin, self).show_package_schema()
schema = remove_check_replicated_custom_key(schema)
# 'deliverable_type': [ignore_missing, unicode],
return schema
model_save.package_extras_save = _package_extras_save
TrackingMiddleware.__init__ = _init_TrackingMiddleware
# IBlueprint
def get_blueprint(self):
return views.get_blueprints()
# IClick
# def get_commands(self):
# return cli.get_commands()
# ITemplateHelpers
def get_helpers(self):
return helpers.get_helpers()
# IValidators
def get_validators(self):
return validators.get_validators()