
30 lines
1.1 KiB

Renders a set of stars, which can be clicked to submit a rating
stars - The number of stars to be displayed.
package - The package for which the rating belongs to
{% snippet "rating/snippets/stars.html", package=pkg %}
{% resource "rating_css/rating.css" %}
{% resource "rating_js/rating.js" %}
{% set action = 'submit_package_rating' %}
{% if package.type == 'showcase' %}
{% set action = 'submit_showcase_rating' %}
{% endif %}
{% set stars = h.get_user_rating( %}
<span class="star-rating{% if stars == 0 %} no-stars{% endif %}">
<span class="star-rating-stars">
{%- for index in range(stars|int) -%}
<a class="icon icon-star rating-star" id="star-{{index}}" href="{{ h.url_for(controller='ckanext.rating.controller:RatingController', action=action,, rating=index+1) }}"></a>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for index in range(stars|int, 5) -%}
<a class="icon icon-star-empty rating-star" href="{{ h.url_for(controller='ckanext.rating.controller:RatingController', action=action,, rating=index+1) }}"></a>
{%- endfor -%}