
231 lines
8.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014 CoNWeT Lab., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
# This file is part of CKAN Private Dataset Extension.
# CKAN Private Dataset Extension is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# CKAN Private Dataset Extension is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with CKAN Private Dataset Extension. If not, see <>.
import unittest
import ckanext.privatedatasets.converters_validators as conv_val
from mock import MagicMock
from parameterized import parameterized
class ConvertersValidatorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create mocks
self._toolkit = conv_val.toolkit
conv_val.toolkit = MagicMock()
self._db = conv_val.db
conv_val.db = MagicMock()
def tearDown(self):
conv_val.db = self._db
conv_val.toolkit = self._toolkit
# When no data is present, no errors should be returned
(True, True, 'conwet', '', False),
('True', True, 'conwet', '', False),
(False, True, 'conwet', '', False),
('False', True, 'conwet', '', False),
(None, True, 'conwet', '', False),
(None, False, 'conwet', '', False),
(True, True, None, '', False),
('True', True, None, '', False),
(False, True, None, '', False),
('False', True, None, '', False),
(None, True, None, '', False),
(None, False, None, '', False),
(True, True, 'conwet', [], False),
('True', True, 'conwet', [], False),
(False, True, 'conwet', [], False),
('False', True, 'conwet', [], False),
(None, True, 'conwet', [], False),
(None, False, 'conwet', [], False),
(True, True, None, [], False),
('True', True, None, [], False),
(False, True, None, [], False),
('False', True, None, [], False),
(None, True, None, [], False),
(None, False, None, [], False),
# When data is present, the field is only valid when the
# the private field is set to true (organization should
# not be taken into account anymore)
(True, True, 'conwet', 'test', False),
('True', True, 'conwet', 'test', False),
(True, False, 'conwet', 'test', False),
('True', False, 'conwet', 'test', False),
(False, True, 'conwet', 'test', True),
('False', True, 'conwet', 'test', True),
(False, False, 'conwet', 'test', True),
('False', False, 'conwet', 'test', True),
(None, True, 'conwet', 'test', False),
(None, False, 'conwet', 'test', True),
(True, True, None, 'test', False),
('True', True, None, 'test', False),
(True, False, None, 'test', False),
('True', False, None, 'test', False),
(False, True, None, 'test', True),
('False', True, None, 'test', True),
(False, False, None, 'test', True),
('False', False, None, 'test', True),
(None, True, None, 'test', False),
(None, False, None, 'test', True),
def test_metadata_checker(self, received_private, package_private, owner_org, metada_val, error_set):
# Configure the mocks
package_show = MagicMock(return_value={'private': package_private, 'id': 'package_id'})
conv_val.toolkit.get_action = MagicMock(return_value=package_show)
KEY = ('test',)
errors = {}
errors[KEY] = []
data = {}
data[('id',)] = 'package_id'
data[('owner_org',)] = owner_org
if received_private is not None:
data[('private',)] = received_private
data[KEY] = metada_val
conv_val.private_datasets_metadata_checker(KEY, data, errors, {})
if error_set:
self.assertEquals(1, len(errors[KEY]))
self.assertEquals(0, len(errors[KEY]))
('', 0, []),
('', 2, []),
('a', 0, ['a']),
('a', 2, ['a']),
(',,, , , ', 0, []),
(',,, , , ', 2, []),
('a,z, d', 0, ['a', 'z', 'd']),
('a,z, d', 2, ['a', 'z', 'd']),
(['a','z', 'd'], 0, ['a', 'z', 'd']),
(['a','z', 'd'], 2, ['a', 'z', 'd']),
def test_allowed_user_convert(self, users, previous_users, expected_users):
key_str = 'allowed_users_str'
key = 'allowed_users'
# Configure mock
name_validator = MagicMock()
conv_val.toolkit.get_validator = MagicMock(return_value=name_validator)
# Fullfill the data dictionary
# * list should be included in the allowed_users filed
# * strings should be included in the allowed_users_str field
if isinstance(users, basestring):
data_key = key_str
data_key = key
data = {(data_key,): users}
for i in range(0, previous_users):
data[(key, i)] = i
# Call the function
context = {'user': 'test', 'auth_obj_id': {'id': 1}}
conv_val.allowed_users_convert((key,), data, {}, context)
# Check that the users are set properly
for i in range(previous_users, previous_users + len(expected_users)):
name_validator.assert_any_call(expected_users[i - previous_users], context)
self.assertEquals(expected_users[i - previous_users], data[(key, i)])
(['a', 'b'],),
(['a', 'b', 'c'],),
(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],)
def test_get_allowed_users(self, users):
key = 'allowed_users'
data = {('id',): 'package_id'}
# Create the users
db_res = []
for user in users:
db_row = MagicMock()
db_row.package_id = 'package_id'
db_row.user_name = user
conv_val.db.AllowedUser.get = MagicMock(return_value=db_res)
# Call the function
context = {'model': MagicMock()}
conv_val.get_allowed_users((key,), data, {}, context)
# Check that the users are set properly
for i, user in enumerate(users):
self.assertEquals(user, data[(key, i)])
# Check that the table has been initialized properly
(None, False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', False),
('', True),
('http://google*.com', True),
('', True),
('http://google/.com', True),
('google', True),
('http://google', True),
('http://google:es', True),
('', True)
def test_url_validator(self, url, expected_error):
key = ('url',)
data = {key: url}
# Call the function
errors = {key: []}
conv_val.url_checker(key, data, errors, {})
# Check the errors array
if expected_error:
self.assertEquals('The URL "%s" is not valid.' % url, errors[key][0])
expected_length = 1
expected_length = 0
self.assertEquals(expected_length, len(errors[key]))