import ckan.lib.base as base import ckan.lib.helpers as helpers import ckan.plugins as plugins import ckan.model as model import importlib import logging import pylons.config as config from ckan.common import response, _ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) PARSER_CONFIG_PROP = 'ckan.privatedatasets.parser' ###################################################################### ############################ API CONTROLLER ########################## ###################################################################### class AdquiredDatasetsControllerAPI(base.BaseController): def __call__(self, environ, start_response): # avoid status_code_redirect intercepting error responses environ['pylons.status_code_redirect'] = True return base.BaseController.__call__(self, environ, start_response) def add_users(self):'Notification Request received') # Get the parser from the configuration class_path = config.get(PARSER_CONFIG_PROP, '') if class_path != '': try: class_package = class_path.split(':')[0] class_name = class_path.split(':')[1] parser = getattr(importlib.import_module(class_package), class_name) # Parse the result using the parser set in the configuration result = parser().parse_notification() except Exception as e: result = {'errors': [type(e).__name__ + ': ' + str(e)]} else: result = {'errors': ['%s not configured' % PARSER_CONFIG_PROP]} # Introduce the users into the datasets # Expected result: {'errors': ["...", "...", ...] # 'users_datasets': [{'user': 'user_name', 'datasets': ['ds1', 'ds2', ...]}, ...]} warns = [] if 'errors' in result and len(result['errors']) > 0: log.warn('Errors arised parsing the request: ' + str(result['errors'])) response.status_int = 400 return helpers.json.dumps({'errors': result['errors']}) elif 'users_datasets' in result: for user_info in result['users_datasets']: for dataset_id in user_info['datasets']: try: # Get dataset data dataset = plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_show')({'ignore_auth': True}, {'id': dataset_id}) # Generate default set of users if it does not exist if 'allowed_users' not in dataset or dataset['allowed_users'] is None: dataset['allowed_users'] = '' # Only new users will be inserted allowed_users = dataset['allowed_users'].split(',') if user_info['user'] not in allowed_users: # Comma is only introduced when there are more than one user in the list of allowed users separator = '' if dataset['allowed_users'] == '' else ',' dataset['allowed_users'] += separator + user_info['user'] # Update dataset data plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_update')({'ignore_auth': True}, dataset) else: log.warn('The user %s is already allowed to access the %s dataset' % (user_info['user'], dataset_id)) except plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound: # If a dataset does not exist in the instance, an error message will be returned to the user. # However the process won't stop and the process will continue with the remaining datasets. log.warn('Dataset %s was not found in this instance' % dataset_id) warns.append('Dataset %s was not found in this instance' % dataset_id) except plugins.toolkit.ValidationError as e: # Some datasets does not allow to introduce the list of allowed users since this property is # only valid for private datasets outside an organization. In this case, a wanr will return # but the process will continue warns.append('Dataset %s: %s' % (dataset_id, e.error_dict['allowed_users'][0])) # Return warnings that inform about non-existing datasets if len(warns) > 0: return helpers.json.dumps({'warns': warns}) ###################################################################### ############################ UI CONTROLLER ########################### ###################################################################### class AdquiredDatasetsControllerUI(base.BaseController): def user_adquired_datasets(self): c = plugins.toolkit.c context = { 'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': plugins.toolkit.c.user } # Get user information try: c.user_dict = plugins.toolkit.get_action('user_show')(context, {'user_obj': c.userobj}) c.user_dict['adquired_datasets'] = [] except plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound: plugins.toolkit.abort(404, _('User not found')) except plugins.toolkit.NotAuthorized: plugins.toolkit.abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page')) # Get the datasets adquired by the user query = model.Session.query(model.PackageExtra).filter( # Select only the allowed_users key 'package_extra.key=\'%s\' AND package_extra.value!=\'\' ' % 'allowed_users' + # Selec only when the state is 'active' 'AND package_extra.state=\'%s\' ' % 'active' + # The user name should be contained in the list 'AND regexp_split_to_array(package_extra.value,\',\') @> ARRAY[\'%s\']' % context['user']) # Get full information about the datasets for dataset in query: try: dataset_dict = plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context, {'id': dataset.package_id}) c.user_dict['adquired_datasets'].append(dataset_dict) except Exception: continue return plugins.toolkit.render('user/dashboard_adquired.html')