import ckan.lib.helpers as helpers import ckan.logic.auth as logic_auth import ckan.plugins as p import ckan.plugins.toolkit as tk import ckan.new_authz as new_authz from ckan.common import _, request ###################################################################### ########################### AUTH FUNCTIONS ########################### ###################################################################### @tk.auth_allow_anonymous_access def package_show(context, data_dict): user = context.get('user') user_obj = context.get('auth_user_obj') package = logic_auth.get_package_object(context, data_dict) # datasets can be readed by it creator if package and user_obj and package.creator_user_id == return {'success': True} # Not active packages can only be seen by its owners if package.state == 'active': # anyone can see a public package if not package.private: return {'success': True} # if the user has rights to read in the organization or in the group if package.owner_org: authorized = new_authz.has_user_permission_for_group_or_org( package.owner_org, user, 'read') else: authorized = False # if the user is not authorized yet, we should check if the # user is in the allowed_users object if not authorized: if hasattr(package, 'extras') and 'allowed_users' in package.extras: allowed_users = package.extras['allowed_users'].split(',') if user in allowed_users: authorized = True if not authorized: # Show a flash message with the URL to adquire the dataset # This message only can be shown when the user tries to access the dataset via its URL (/dataset/...) # The message cannot be displayed in other pages that uses the package_show function such as # the user profile page if hasattr(package, 'extras') and 'adquire_url' in package.extras and request.path.startswith('/dataset/'): helpers.flash_notice(_('This private dataset can be adquired. To do so, please click ' + 'here') % package.extras['adquire_url'], allow_html=True) return {'success': False, 'msg': _('User %s not authorized to read package %s') % (user,} else: return {'success': True} else: return {'success': False, 'msg': _('User %s not authorized to read package %s') % (user,} def package_update(context, data_dict): user = context.get('user') user_obj = context.get('auth_user_obj') package = logic_auth.get_package_object(context, data_dict) # Only the package creator can update it if package and user_obj and package.creator_user_id == return {'success': True} # if the user has rights to update a dataset in the organization or in the group if package and package.owner_org: authorized = new_authz.has_user_permission_for_group_or_org( package.owner_org, user, 'update_dataset') else: authorized = False if not authorized: return {'success': False, 'msg': _('User %s is not authorized to edit package %s') % (user,} else: return {'success': True} ###################################################################### ############################### CHECKER ############################## ###################################################################### def private_datasets_metadata_checker(key, data, errors, context): # TODO: In some cases, we will need to retireve all the dataset information if it isn't present... private_val = data.get(('private',)) owner_org = data.get(('owner_org',)) private = private_val is True if isinstance(private_val, bool) else private_val == "True" metadata_value = data[key] # If allowed users are included and the dataset is not private outside and organization, an error will be raised. if metadata_value != '' and (not private or owner_org): errors[key].append(_('This field is only valid when you create a private dataset outside an organization')) class PrivateDatasets(p.SingletonPlugin, tk.DefaultDatasetForm): p.implements(p.IDatasetForm) p.implements(p.IAuthFunctions) p.implements(p.IConfigurer) p.implements(p.IRoutes, inherit=True) p.implements(p.IActions) ###################################################################### ############################ DATASET FORM ############################ ###################################################################### def _modify_package_schema(self): return { # remove datasets_with_no_organization_cannot_be_private validator 'private': [tk.get_validator('ignore_missing'), tk.get_validator('boolean_validator')], 'allowed_users': [tk.get_validator('ignore_missing'), private_datasets_metadata_checker, tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras')], 'adquire_url': [tk.get_validator('ignore_missing'), private_datasets_metadata_checker, tk.get_converter('convert_to_extras')] } def create_package_schema(self): # grab the default schema in our plugin schema = super(PrivateDatasets, self).create_package_schema() schema.update(self._modify_package_schema()) return schema def update_package_schema(self): # grab the default schema in our plugin schema = super(PrivateDatasets, self).update_package_schema() schema.update(self._modify_package_schema()) return schema def show_package_schema(self): schema = super(PrivateDatasets, self).show_package_schema() schema.update({ 'allowed_users': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'), tk.get_validator('ignore_missing')], 'adquire_url': [tk.get_converter('convert_from_extras'), tk.get_validator('ignore_missing')] }) return schema def is_fallback(self): # Return True to register this plugin as the default handler for # package types not handled by any other IDatasetForm plugin. return True def package_types(self): # This plugin doesn't handle any special package types, it just # registers itself as the default (above). return [] ###################################################################### ########################### AUTH FUNCTIONS ########################### ###################################################################### def get_auth_functions(self): return {'package_show': package_show, 'package_update': package_update} ###################################################################### ############################ ICONFIGURER ############################# ###################################################################### def update_config(self, config): # Add this plugin's templates dir to CKAN's extra_template_paths, so # that CKAN will use this plugin's custom templates. tk.add_template_directory(config, 'templates') # Register this plugin's fanstatic directory with CKAN. tk.add_resource('fanstatic', 'privatedatasets') ###################################################################### ############################### ROUTES ############################### ###################################################################### def after_map(self, m): # DataSet adquired notification m.connect('/dataset_adquired', controller='ckanext.privatedatasets.controller:AdquiredDatasetsController', action='add_users', conditions=dict(method=['POST'])) return m ###################################################################### ############################## IACTIONS ############################## ###################################################################### def get_actions(self): # Update package_show function. When the URL is the URL used to # check the datasets, the context parameter will me modified and # the field 'ignore_capacity_check' will be added in order to # get both the private and the public datasets. _old_package_search = tk.get_action('package_search') @tk.side_effect_free def _new_package_search(context, data_dict): valid_urls = ['/dataset', '/api/3/action/package_search', '/api/3/action/dataset_search'] if request.path in valid_urls: context.update({'ignore_capacity_check': True}) return _old_package_search(context, data_dict) _new_package_search.__doc__ = _old_package_search.__doc__ # Modify the package_show function used across the system return {'package_search': _new_package_search}