Change test_controller_api to test_actions
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def package_adquired(context, request_data):
dataset = plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_show')({'ignore_auth': True, constants.CONTEXT_CALLBACK: True}, {'id': dataset_id})
dataset = plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_show')({'ignore_auth': True, constants.CONTEXT_CALLBACK: True}, {'id': dataset_id})
# Create the array
# Create the array
if constants.ALLOWED_USERS not in dataset:
if constants.ALLOWED_USERS not in dataset or dataset[constants.ALLOWED_USERS] is None:
dataset[constants.ALLOWED_USERS] = []
dataset[constants.ALLOWED_USERS] = []
# Add the user only if he/she is not in the list
# Add the user only if he/she is not in the list
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
import ckanext.privatedatasets.actions as actions
import unittest
from mock import MagicMock
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
PARSER_CONFIG_PROP = 'ckan.privatedatasets.parser'
IMPORT_ERROR_MSG = 'Unable to load the module'
CLASS_NAME = 'parser_class'
ADD_USERS_ERROR = 'Error updating the dataset'
class ActionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Load the mocks
self._config = actions.config
actions.config = MagicMock()
self._importlib = actions.importlib
actions.importlib = MagicMock()
self._plugins = actions.plugins
actions.plugins = MagicMock()
def tearDown(self):
# Unmock
actions.config = self._config
actions.importlib = self._importlib
actions.plugins = self._plugins
('', None, False, False, '%s not configured' % PARSER_CONFIG_PROP),
('INVALID_CLASS', None, False, False, 'IndexError: list index out of range'),
('INVALID.CLASS', None, False, False, 'IndexError: list index out of range'),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, False, False, 'ImportError: %s' % IMPORT_ERROR_MSG),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, False, True, 'ImportError: %s' % IMPORT_ERROR_MSG),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, True, False, 'AttributeError: %s' % CLASS_NAME),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, True, True, None)
def test_class_cannot_be_loaded(self, class_path, class_name, path_exist, class_exist, expected_error):
class_package = class_path
class_package += ':' + class_name if class_name else ''
actions.config = {PARSER_CONFIG_PROP: class_package}
# Recover exception
actions.plugins.toolkit.ValidationError = self._plugins.toolkit.ValidationError
# Configure the mock
package = MagicMock()
if class_name and not class_exist:
delattr(package, class_name)
actions.importlib.import_module = MagicMock(side_effect=ImportError(IMPORT_ERROR_MSG) if not path_exist else None,
return_value=package if path_exist else None)
# Call the function
if expected_error:
with self.assertRaises(actions.plugins.toolkit.ValidationError) as cm:
actions.package_adquired({}, {})
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.error_dict['message'], expected_error)
# Exception is not risen
self.assertEquals(None, actions.package_adquired({}, {}))
# Checks
self.assertEquals(0, actions.plugins.toolkit.get_action.call_count)
def configure_mocks(self, parse_result, datasets_not_found=[], not_updatable_datasets=[], allowed_users=None):
actions.config = {PARSER_CONFIG_PROP: 'valid.path:%s' % CLASS_NAME}
# Configure mocks
parser_instance = MagicMock()
parser_instance.parse_notification = MagicMock(return_value=parse_result)
package = MagicMock()
package.parser_class = MagicMock(return_value=parser_instance)
actions.importlib.import_module = MagicMock(return_value=package)
# We should use the real exceptions
actions.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound = self._plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound
actions.plugins.toolkit.ValidationError = self._plugins.toolkit.ValidationError
def _package_show(context, data_dict):
if data_dict['id'] in datasets_not_found:
raise actions.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound()
dataset = {'id': data_dict['id']}
if allowed_users is not None:
dataset['allowed_users'] = list(allowed_users)
return dataset
def _package_update(context, data_dict):
if data_dict['id'] in not_updatable_datasets:
raise actions.plugins.toolkit.ValidationError({'allowed_users': [ADD_USERS_ERROR]})
package_show = MagicMock(side_effect=_package_show)
package_update = MagicMock(side_effect=_package_update)
def _get_action(action):
if action == 'package_update':
return package_update
elif action == 'package_show':
return package_show
actions.plugins.toolkit.get_action = _get_action
return parser_instance.parse_notification, package_show, package_update
# Simple Test: one user and one dataset
({'user1': ['ds1']}, [], [], None),
({'user2': ['ds1']}, [], [], []),
({'user3': ['ds1']}, [], [], ['another_user']),
({'user4': ['ds1']}, [], [], ['another_user', 'another_one']),
({'user5': ['ds1']}, [], [], ['another_user', 'user_name']),
({'user6': ['ds1']}, ['ds1'], [], None),
({'user7': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], []),
({'user8': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], ['another_user']),
({'user9': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], ['another_user', 'another_one']),
({'user1': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], ['another_user', 'user_name']),
# Complex test: some users and some datasets
({'user1': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user2': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], []),
({'user3': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user4': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], ['another_user']),
({'user5': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user6': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], ['another_user', 'another_one']),
({'user7': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user8': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], ['another_user', 'another_one', 'user1'])
def test_add_users(self, users_info, datasets_not_found, not_updatable_datasets, allowed_users=[]):
parse_result = {'users_datasets': []}
# Transform user_info
for user in users_info:
parse_result['users_datasets'].append({'user': user, 'datasets': users_info[user]})
parse_notification, package_show, package_update = self.configure_mocks(parse_result, datasets_not_found, not_updatable_datasets, allowed_users)
# Call the function
context = {'user': 'user1', 'model': 'model', 'auth_obj': {'id': 1}}
result = actions.package_adquired(context, users_info)
# Calculate the list of warns
warns = []
for user_datasets in parse_result['users_datasets']:
for dataset_id in user_datasets['datasets']:
if dataset_id in datasets_not_found:
warns.append('Dataset %s was not found in this instance' % dataset_id)
elif dataset_id in not_updatable_datasets and allowed_users is not None and user_datasets['user'] not in allowed_users:
warns.append('Dataset %s: %s' % (dataset_id, ADD_USERS_ERROR))
expected_result = {'warns': warns} if len(warns) > 0 else None
# Check that the returned result is as expected
self.assertEquals(expected_result, result)
# Check that the initial functions (check_access and parse_notification) has been called properly
actions.plugins.toolkit.check_access.assert_called_once_with('package_adquired', context, users_info)
for user_datasets in parse_result['users_datasets']:
for dataset_id in user_datasets['datasets']:
# The show function is always called
package_show.assert_any_call({'ignore_auth': True, 'updating_via_cb': True}, {'id': dataset_id})
# The update function is called only when the show function does not throw an exception and
# when the user is not in the list of allowed users.
if dataset_id not in datasets_not_found and allowed_users is not None and user_datasets['user'] not in allowed_users:
# Calculate the list of allowed_users
expected_allowed_users = list(allowed_users)
package_update.assert_any_call({'ignore_auth': True}, {'id': dataset_id, 'allowed_users': expected_allowed_users})
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
import ckanext.privatedatasets.controllers.api_controller as controller
import json
import unittest
from mock import MagicMock
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
PARSER_CONFIG_PROP = 'ckan.privatedatasets.parser'
IMPORT_ERROR_MSG = 'Unable to load the module'
CLASS_NAME = 'parser_class'
ADD_USERS_ERROR = 'Default Message'
class APIControllerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Get the instance
self.instanceAPI = controller.AdquiredDatasetsControllerAPI()
# Load the mocks
self._config = controller.config
controller.config = MagicMock()
self._importlib = controller.importlib
controller.importlib = MagicMock()
self._plugins = controller.plugins
controller.plugins = MagicMock()
self._response = controller.response
controller.response = MagicMock()
def tearDown(self):
# Unmock
controller.config = self._config
controller.importlib = self._importlib
controller.plugins = self._plugins
controller.response = self._response
('', None, False, False, '{"errors": ["%s not configured"]}' % PARSER_CONFIG_PROP),
('INVALID_CLASS', None, False, False, '{"errors": ["IndexError: list index out of range"]}'),
('INVALID.CLASS', None, False, False, '{"errors": ["IndexError: list index out of range"]}'),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, False, False, '{"errors": ["ImportError: %s"]}' % IMPORT_ERROR_MSG),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, False, True, '{"errors": ["ImportError: %s"]}' % IMPORT_ERROR_MSG),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, True, False, '{"errors": ["AttributeError: %s"]}' % CLASS_NAME),
('valid.path', CLASS_NAME, True, True, None)
def test_class_cannot_be_loaded(self, class_path, class_name, path_exist, class_exist, expected_error):
class_package = class_path
class_package += ':' + class_name if class_name else ''
controller.config = {PARSER_CONFIG_PROP: class_package}
# Configure the mock
package = MagicMock()
if class_name and not class_exist:
delattr(package, class_name)
controller.importlib.import_module = MagicMock(side_effect=ImportError(IMPORT_ERROR_MSG) if not path_exist else None,
return_value=package if path_exist else None)
# Call the function
result = self.instanceAPI.add_users()
# Checks
self.assertEquals(expected_error, result)
self.assertEquals(0, controller.plugins.toolkit.get_action.call_count)
if expected_error:
self.assertEquals(400, controller.response.status_int)
def configure_mocks(self, parse_result, datasets_not_found=[], not_updatable_datasets=[], allowed_users=None):
controller.config = {PARSER_CONFIG_PROP: 'valid.path:%s' % CLASS_NAME}
# Configure mocks
parser_instance = MagicMock()
parser_instance.parse_notification = MagicMock(return_value=parse_result)
package = MagicMock()
package.parser_class = MagicMock(return_value=parser_instance)
controller.importlib.import_module = MagicMock(return_value=package)
# We should use the real exceptions
controller.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound = self._plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound
controller.plugins.toolkit.ValidationError = self._plugins.toolkit.ValidationError
def _package_show(context, data_dict):
if data_dict['id'] in datasets_not_found:
raise controller.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound()
return {'id': data_dict['id'], 'allowed_users': allowed_users}
def _package_update(context, data_dict):
if data_dict['id'] in not_updatable_datasets:
raise controller.plugins.toolkit.ValidationError({'allowed_users': [ADD_USERS_ERROR]})
package_show = MagicMock(side_effect=_package_show)
package_update = MagicMock(side_effect=_package_update)
def _get_action(action):
if action == 'package_update':
return package_update
elif action == 'package_show':
return package_show
controller.plugins.toolkit.get_action = _get_action
return package_show, package_update
({'errors': ['Error1', 'Error2']}, '{"errors": ["Error1", "Error2"]}'),
# Even when the users_datasets field is included, the users should not be introduced
({'errors': ['Error1', 'Error2'], 'users_datasets': [{'user': 'user_name', 'datasets': ['ds1']}]}, '{"errors": ["Error1", "Error2"]}'),
def test_errors_in_parse(self, parse_result, expected_result):
package_search, package_update = self.configure_mocks(parse_result)
# Call the function
result = self.instanceAPI.add_users()
# Checks
self.assertEquals(0, package_search.call_count)
self.assertEquals(0, package_update.call_count)
self.assertEquals(expected_result, result)
self.assertEquals(400, controller.response.status_int)
# Simple Test: one user and one dataset
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], [], None),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], [], ''),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], [], 'another_user'),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], [], 'another_user,another_one'),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], [], 'another_user,user_name'),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, ['ds1'], [], None),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], ''),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], 'another_user'),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], 'another_user,another_one'),
({'user_name': ['ds1']}, [], ['ds1'], 'another_user,user_name'),
# Complex test: some users and some datasets
({'user1': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user2': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], ''),
({'user1': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user2': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], 'another_user'),
({'user1': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user2': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], 'another_user,another_one'),
({'user1': ['ds1', 'ds2', 'ds3', 'ds4'], 'user2': ['ds5', 'ds6', 'ds7']}, ['ds3', 'ds6'], ['ds4', 'ds7'], 'another_user,another_one,user1')
def test_add_users(self, users_info, datasets_not_found, not_updatable_datasets, allowed_users=''):
parse_result = {'users_datasets': []}
datasets_ids = []
for user in users_info:
for dataset_id in users_info[user]:
if dataset_id not in datasets_ids:
parse_result['users_datasets'].append({'user': user, 'datasets': users_info[user]})
package_show, package_update = self.configure_mocks(parse_result, datasets_not_found, not_updatable_datasets, allowed_users)
# Call the function
result = self.instanceAPI.add_users()
# Calculate the list of warns
warns = []
for user_datasets in parse_result['users_datasets']:
for dataset_id in user_datasets['datasets']:
if dataset_id in datasets_not_found:
warns.append('Dataset %s was not found in this instance' % dataset_id)
elif dataset_id in not_updatable_datasets and allowed_users is not None and user_datasets['user'] not in allowed_users:
warns.append('Dataset %s: %s' % (dataset_id, ADD_USERS_ERROR))
expected_result = json.dumps({'warns': warns}) if len(warns) > 0 else None
# Check that the returned result is as expected
self.assertEquals(expected_result, result)
for user_datasets in parse_result['users_datasets']:
for dataset_id in user_datasets['datasets']:
# The show function is always called
package_show.assert_any_call({'ignore_auth': True}, {'id': dataset_id})
# The update function is called only when the show function does not throw an exception and
# when the user is not in the list of allowed users.
if dataset_id not in datasets_not_found and allowed_users is not None and user_datasets['user'] not in allowed_users:
# Calculate the list of allowed_users
expected_allowed_users = allowed_users
expected_allowed_users += ',' + user_datasets['user'] if expected_allowed_users != '' else user_datasets['user']
package_update.assert_any_call({'ignore_auth': True}, {'id': dataset_id, 'allowed_users': expected_allowed_users})
@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ class UIControllerTest(unittest.TestCase):
self._model = controller.model
self._model = controller.model
controller.model = MagicMock()
controller.model = MagicMock()
self._db = controller.db
controller.db = MagicMock()
# Set exceptions
# Set exceptions
controller.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound = self._plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound
controller.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound = self._plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound
controller.plugins.toolkit.NotAuthorized = self._plugins.toolkit.NotAuthorized
controller.plugins.toolkit.NotAuthorized = self._plugins.toolkit.NotAuthorized
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ class UIControllerTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Unmock
# Unmock
controller.plugins = self._plugins
controller.plugins = self._plugins
controller.model = self._model
controller.model = self._model
controller.db = self._db
(controller.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound, 404),
(controller.plugins.toolkit.ObjectNotFound, 404),
@ -90,11 +94,10 @@ class UIControllerTest(unittest.TestCase):
for i in pkgs_ids:
for i in pkgs_ids:
pkg = MagicMock()
pkg = MagicMock()
pkg.package_id = i
pkg.package_id = i
pkg.user_name = user
filter_f = MagicMock()
controller.db.AllowedUser.get = MagicMock(return_value=query_res)
filter_f.filter = MagicMock(return_value=query_res)
controller.model.Session.query = MagicMock(return_value=filter_f)
# Call the function
# Call the function
returned = self.instanceUI.user_adquired_datasets()
returned = self.instanceUI.user_adquired_datasets()
@ -109,12 +112,7 @@ class UIControllerTest(unittest.TestCase):
user_show.assert_called_once_with(expected_context, {'user_obj': controller.plugins.toolkit.c.userobj})
user_show.assert_called_once_with(expected_context, {'user_obj': controller.plugins.toolkit.c.userobj})
# Query called correctry
# Query called correctry
# Filter called correctly
filter_f.filter.assert_called_once_with('package_extra.key=\'allowed_users\' AND package_extra.value!=\'\' ' +
'AND package_extra.state=\'active\' AND ' +
'regexp_split_to_array(package_extra.value,\',\') @> ARRAY[\'%s\']' % user)
# Assert that the package_show has been called properly
# Assert that the package_show has been called properly
self.assertEquals(len(pkgs_ids), package_show.call_count)
self.assertEquals(len(pkgs_ids), package_show.call_count)
Reference in New Issue