Display full names in Allowed Users autocomplete
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
/* An auto-complete module for select and input elements that can pull in
* a list of terms from an API endpoint (provided using data-module-source).
* source - A url pointing to an API autocomplete endpoint.
* interval - The interval between requests in milliseconds (default: 300).
* items - The max number of items to display (default: 10)
* tags - Boolean attribute if true will create a tag input.
* key - A string of the key you want to be the form value to end up on
* from the ajax returned results
* label - A string of the label you want to appear within the dropdown for
* returned results
* tokensep - A string that contains characters which will be interpreted
* as separators for tags when typed or pasted (default ",").
* Examples
* // <input name="tags" data-module="autocomplete" data-module-source="http://" />
this.ckan.module('privatedatasets_autocomplete', function (jQuery) {
return {
/* Options for the module */
options: {
tags: false,
key: false,
label: false,
items: 10,
source: null,
tokensep: ',',
interval: 300,
dropdownClass: '',
containerClass: ''
/* Sets up the module, binding methods, creating elements etc. Called
* internally by ckan.module.initialize();
* Returns nothing.
initialize: function () {
jQuery.proxyAll(this, /_on/, /format/);
/* Sets up the auto complete plugin.
* Returns nothing.
setupAutoComplete: function () {
var settings = {
width: 'resolve',
formatResult: this.formatResult,
formatNoMatches: this.formatNoMatches,
formatInputTooShort: this.formatInputTooShort,
dropdownCssClass: this.options.dropdownClass,
containerCssClass: this.options.containerClass,
tokenSeparators: this.options.tokensep.split('')
// Different keys are required depending on whether the select is
// tags or generic completion.
if (!this.el.is('select')) {
if (this.options.tags) {
settings.tags = this._onQuery;
} else {
settings.query = this._onQuery;
settings.createSearchChoice = this.formatTerm;
settings.initSelection = this.formatInitialValue;
else {
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
var ieversion=new Number(RegExp.$1);
if (ieversion<=7) {return}
var select2 = this.el.select2(settings).data('select2');
if (this.options.tags && select2 && select2.search) {
// find the "fake" input created by select2 and add the keypress event.
// This is not part of the plugins API and so may break at any time.
select2.search.on('keydown', this._onKeydown);
// This prevents Internet Explorer from causing a window.onbeforeunload
// even from firing unnecessarily
$('.select2-choice', select2.container).on('click', function() {
return false;
this._select2 = select2;
/* Looks up the completions for the current search term and passes them
* into the provided callback function.
* The results are formatted for use in the select2 autocomplete plugin.
* string - The term to search for.
* fn - A callback function.
* Examples
* module.getCompletions('cake', function (results) {
* results === {results: []}
* });
* Returns a jqXHR promise.
getCompletions: function (string, fn) {
var parts = this.options.source.split('?');
var end = parts.pop();
var source = parts.join('?') + encodeURIComponent(string) + end;
var client = this.sandbox.client;
var options = {
format: function(data) {
var completion_options = jQuery.extend(options, {objects: true});
return {
results: client.parseCompletions(data, completion_options)
key: this.options.key,
label: this.options.label
return client.getCompletions(source, options, fn);
/* Looks up the completions for the provided text but also provides a few
* optimisations. If there is no search term it will automatically set
* an empty array. Ajax requests will also be debounced to ensure that
* the server is not overloaded.
* string - The term to search for.
* fn - A callback function.
* Returns nothing.
lookup: function (string, fn) {
var module = this;
// Cache the last searched term otherwise we'll end up searching for
// old data.
this._lastTerm = string;
// Kills previous timeout
// OK, wipe the dropdown before we start ajaxing the completions
if (string) {
// Set a timer to prevent the search lookup occurring too often.
this._debounced = setTimeout(function () {
var term = module._lastTerm;
// Cancel the previous request if it hasn't yet completed.
if (module._last && typeof module._last.abort == 'function') {
module._last = module.getCompletions(term, fn);
}, this.options.interval);
// This forces the ajax throbber to appear, because we've called the
// callback already and that hides the throbber
$('.select2-search input', this._select2.dropdown).addClass('select2-active');
/* Formatter for the select2 plugin that returns a string for use in the
* results list with the current term emboldened.
* state - The current object that is being rendered.
* container - The element the content will be added to (added in 3.0)
* query - The query object (added in select2 3.0).
* Returns a text string.
formatResult: function (state, container, query) {
var term = this._lastTerm || null; // same as query.term
if (container) {
// Append the select id to the element for styling.
container.attr('data-value', state.id);
// if the current string is the actual query, just format that
if (state.text === term && state.id === term){
var ret = state.text;
// if we're formatting a suggestion, concatenate the full name and
// username of the suggestion
else {
var ret = state.text + " (" + state.id + ")";
return ret.split(term).join(term && term.bold());
/* Formatter for the select2 plugin that returns a string used when
* the filter has no matches.
* Returns a text string.
formatNoMatches: function (term) {
return !term ? this._('Start typing…') : this._('No matches found');
/* Formatter used by the select2 plugin that returns a string when the
* input is too short.
* Returns a string.
formatInputTooShort: function (term, min) {
return this.ngettext(
'Input is too short, must be at least one character',
'Input is too short, must be at least %(num)d characters',
/* Takes a string and converts it into an object used by the select2 plugin.
* term - The term to convert.
* Returns an object for use in select2.
formatTerm: function (term) {
term = jQuery.trim(term || '');
// Need to replace comma with a unicode character to trick the plugin
// as it won't split this into multiple items.
return {id: term.replace(/,/g, '\u002C'), text: term};
/* Callback function that parses the initial field value.
* element - The initialized input element wrapped in jQuery.
* callback - A callback to run once the formatting is complete.
* Returns a term object or an array depending on the type.
formatInitialValue: function (element, callback) {
var value = jQuery.trim(element.val() || '');
var formatted;
if (this.options.tags) {
formatted = jQuery.map(value.split(","), this.formatTerm);
} else {
formatted = this.formatTerm(value);
// Select2 v3.0 supports a callback for async calls.
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return formatted;
/* Callback triggered when the select2 plugin needs to make a request.
* Returns nothing.
_onQuery: function (options) {
if (options) {
this.lookup(options.term, options.callback);
/* Called when a key is pressed. If the key is a comma we block it and
* then simulate pressing return.
* Returns nothing.
_onKeydown: function (event) {
if (typeof event.key !== 'undefined' ? event.key === ',' : event.which === 188) {
setTimeout(function () {
var e = jQuery.Event("keydown", { which: 13 });
}, 10);
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<span class="info-block info-inline">
<span class="info-block info-inline">
<i class="icon-info-sign fa fa-info-circle"></i>
<i class="icon-info-sign fa fa-info-circle"></i>
{% trans %}
{% trans %}
Private datasets can only be accessed by certain users, while public datasets can be accessed by anyone.
Private datasets can only be accessed by certain users, while public datasets can be accessed by anyone.
{% endtrans %}
{% endtrans %}
@ -82,10 +82,12 @@
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set users_attrs = {'data-module': 'autocomplete', 'data-module-tags': '', 'data-module-source': '/api/2/util/user/autocomplete?q=?'} %}
{% resource 'privatedatasets/privatedatasets_autocomplete.js' %}
{% set users_attrs = {'data-module': 'privatedatasets_autocomplete', 'data-module-tags': '', 'data-module-label': 'fullname', 'data-module-source': '/api/2/util/user/autocomplete?q=?'} %}
{{ form.input('allowed_users_str', label=_('Allowed Users'), id='field-allowed_users_str', placeholder=_('Allowed Users'), value=h.get_allowed_users_str(data.allowed_users), error=errors.custom_text, classes=['control-full'], attrs=users_attrs) }}
{{ form.input('allowed_users_str', label=_('Allowed Users'), id='field-allowed_users_str', placeholder=_('Allowed Users'), value=h.get_allowed_users_str(data.allowed_users), error=errors.custom_text, classes=['control-full'], attrs=users_attrs) }}
{% if editing and h.show_acquire_url_on_edit() or not editing and h.show_acquire_url_on_create() %}
{% if editing and h.show_acquire_url_on_edit() or not editing and h.show_acquire_url_on_create() %}
{{ form.input('acquire_url', label=_('Acquire URL'), id='field-acquire_url', placeholder=_('http://example.com/acquire/'), value=data.acquire_url, error=errors.custom_text, classes=['control-medium']) }}
{{ form.input('acquire_url', label=_('Acquire URL'), id='field-acquire_url', placeholder=_('http://example.com/acquire/'), value=data.acquire_url, error=errors.custom_text, classes=['control-medium']) }}
{% else %}
{% else %}
Reference in New Issue