2014-06-23 17:25:37 +02:00
from setuptools import setup , find_packages
import sys , os
version = ' 0.1 '
setup (
name = ' ckanext-privatedatasets ' ,
version = version ,
2014-07-08 15:40:27 +02:00
description = " This extensions allows users to create private datasets only visible to certain users. The extension provides also an API to specify programatically which users can access private datasets " ,
2014-06-23 17:25:37 +02:00
long_description = '''
''' ,
classifiers = [ ] , # Get strings from http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
keywords = ' ' ,
author = ' Aitor Magan ' ,
author_email = ' amagan@conwet.com ' ,
url = ' ' ,
license = ' ' ,
packages = find_packages ( exclude = [ ' ez_setup ' , ' examples ' , ' tests ' ] ) ,
namespace_packages = [ ' ckanext ' , ' ckanext.privatedatasets ' ] ,
include_package_data = True ,
zip_safe = False ,
install_requires = [
# -*- Extra requirements: -*-
] ,
entry_points = '''
[ ckan . plugins ]
# Add plugins here, e.g.
privatedatasets = ckanext . privatedatasets . plugin : PrivateDatasets
''' ,