import json import logging import requests from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode from ckanext.googleanalytics import config log = logging.getLogger(__name__) EVENT_API = "CKAN API Request" EVENT_DOWNLOAD = "CKAN Resource Download Request" def send_event(data): if isinstance(data, MeasurementProtocolData): if data["event"] == EVENT_API: return _mp_api_handler({ "action": data["object"], "payload": data["payload"], }) if data["event"] == EVENT_DOWNLOAD: return _mp_download_handler({"payload": { "resource_id": data["id"], }}) log.warning("Only API and Download events supported by Measurement Protocol at the moment") return return _ga_handler(data) class SafeJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, _): return None def _mp_api_handler(data_dict): log.debug( "Sending API event to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol: %s", data_dict ) _mp_event({ "name": data_dict["action"], "params": data_dict["payload"] }) def _mp_download_handler(data_dict): log.debug( "Sending Downlaod event to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol: %s", data_dict ) _mp_event({ "name": "file_download", "params": data_dict["payload"], }) def _mp_event(event): resp = "", params={ "api_secret": config.measurement_protocol_client_secret(), "measurement_id": config.measurement_id() }, data=json.dumps({ "client_id": config.measurement_protocol_client_id(), "non_personalized_ads": False, "events": [event] }, cls=SafeJSONEncoder) ) if resp.status_code >= 300: log.error("Cannot post event: %s", resp) def _ga_handler(data_dict): data = urlencode(data_dict) log.debug("Sending API event to Google Analytics: %s", data) "", data, timeout=10, ) class UniversalAnalyticsData(dict): pass class MeasurementProtocolData(dict): pass